TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

did you miss my EM2 and AWice post? That’s hurtful.

Lowest asking price for the Brady #12 is now 200k.

Serious question if anyone actually does sports memorabilia, but anyone actually cares about Wayne Gretzky? Like I know he’s the goat ice hockey player but is hockey popular with non-canadians? I wouldn’t recognize Gretzky in real life tbh.

He had a rookie card sell for 7 figures this year.

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god i need football season to start already so all these people stop buying nfts

I can’t imagine it being something else.

Like I seriously don’t understand this current direction. TopShot made immediate sense to me. This is sports memorabilia, directed at sports fans, in a new medium that has lots of added value (and some missing elements).

I can also totally see NFTs become the norm for artists and art aficionados and art dealers. It won’t replace traditional forms but it surely can be an addition.

I can even understand CryptoPunk as a sort of proof-of-concept project that gained specific status for being exactly that and the collectable value that comes with being ‘ground breaking’.

Apes/Penguins/Spookies just don’t make sense to me. They are not art. Sure, @PenguKingSpookeyApe.eth, we can debate what art is and who decides that, but the reason you don’t know anything about it is because you’ve never been to a museum or can name a single artist other than “the dude who cut his ear off and is now selling vodka”.
They are not collectibles like that kids toys I’m unfamiliar with that your mom once stepped on another human face to get you for christmas because no kid is collecting it. Only 20-30ish males with .eth in their twitter handle.

So like obviously I’m poor and they are rich, but in my dumb view none of these things can have any long term value because they don’t represent anything that people are interested in having, unlike something like TopShot or Brady autograph or actual digital art.

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it’s online jewelry, it’s pure social media flex. and it’s joining a private club. if fuckin mar-a-lago cost $200k to be a member before trump was even potus a bored ape for 40k is a steal. like how much would a twitter blue check mark cost? how much would a blue check cost if there were only ever 10,000 of them?

ASH is up 40% since I posted that

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i get it, the question is how many people will be interested in being part of club penguin in 2022? My guess is close to zero. How many people would like TB12 autograph? Maybe not as many as today, but a lot more than zero.

well i’m banking on bored apes so i’m biased to think they’re cooler than a tom brady autograph that anybody with a marker can get cause he seems like a nice guy who would do it if you asked him

i’m not in penguins because at best even if they last they’re always just going to be knockoff bored apes and i want to hold premiums

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punks were not designed to be avatars, they don’t look clean and distinctive enough to be avatars. their community innovated NFTs and made them avatars which led to bored ape yacht club specifically designing avatars and nailing it. it’s subtle, what they’ve done, but if you joined the discord madness and followed the market to uncut gems levels like some of us do, you’d start to see what sets them apart

like i didn’t get abstract art at first, then the more i familiarized myself with it the more i got it and began to love it. in 2022 you’re gonna be kicking yourself for not secretly reverse mortgaging your house behind your wife’s back to buy these blockchain pngs, that i can tell you.


the first sentence is bullshit. At least in it having any relation to the avatars.
the 2nd part is almost certain to be true.

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People love gambling and above all else this is gambling. +EV gambling in many cases as well.

yeah, alright, the guy with no avatar is going to give his opinion to the guy with a SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLAR AVATAR! COME ON!



lol why do you think it’s called the Yacht club?

imagine not owning a blue Y

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The bidding starts at 60000 eth



More dumb thoughts from poor ape-less guy:

The crypto community is extremely liquid and very willing to buy (or “gamble”) on things they like.
The issue is that after so many successful iterations of such gambles, they are quicker and more aggressive.

This is kinda what happened in topshot. I honestly believe that topshot-type digita sport memorabilia will be a thing for years. But the “early adopters” drove the price to a point that isn’t going to be relevant for the general public.

Cryptopunks, as far as I understand, went to the only possible community it can profitably attract - tech billionaires. So if cuban and bob buys it maybe the rest of the silicone valley guys will too. That cant happen with every avatar nft. Same as it couldnt with topshot.

Ferraris are awesome though.

Users also love to feel validated and smart (results oriented) from their decision making and nothing validates that more than making shedloads of freaking money (doubt anyone gets that reference), quickly.

It’s kinda depressing spiritually but hey whatever accelerates the demise of capitalism.

I think you are overestimating the amount of people in the car avatar market thats kinda my point. I’m not sure theres a market for things in between ferrari and a moped. Unfortunately for me ive been wrong most of the time when i think things.

You’d be surprised to learn that there is a massive controversy with the DK drop as apparently you could have opened unlimited queues on a single account and the same people/bots got all the bradys.