TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Feels like you gonna have to get ridiculously lucky. 12 to 100 available and probably over 30k in line

My understanding is that while you can pay with CC, they don’t save an item for you when it’s your turn. So if you are in top 100, but don’t have cash already, it’s going to sell out before you can buy.

I believe so. When your spot in queue comes up you’re sent to check-out, but still have to be one of first 100 (or whatever) to actually checkout. They don’t pause the line.

lol that’s so bad. why are companies so bad at product management :frowning:

it also means that if you’re #99 you will certainly lose out to some bot in #105 even if you do have the funds. what a shitshow.

i checked with support and indeed the queue is basically meaningless. it’s a clicking war

I see these all getting botted but I will of course try

I logged into DraftKings on the website and when I went to Marketplace, a pop-up appeared that told me to get verified.

so anyone who managed to buy them the other day - what’s the process? I wanna get my clicks ready. @Coasterbrad

My spot in line for Bardy is 19323. Just need a few people to drop out.

6600, but I think the next one is also for $250 so you’ve got one more shot

you can withdraw and it goes back to the CC, there’s no reason not to deposit 1500 unless you have a serious gambling problem.

missed by 32.5k so close.

16633 this time. Unless I’m getting “lucky,” there are way fewer people doing this than Topshot. Then again, it doesn’t really matter with only 100 available.

dunno how big the non-US market, but DK is only US-facing.

it’s about 0.25% and @Coasterbrad already fucked up our collective odds

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Number of users in line ahead of you: 10393

are the discord guys buying up Brady stuff in the marketplace? I guess that’s the smarter route than trying to win the lottery

Number of users in line ahead of you: 1994

i’m guaranteed the 1500 one imo

lol forgot to join the last one. fml i would have gotten it for sure

em2 bought 2 of the 12 Tom Brady $1500 ones for 45k each

Oh wow and he’s a pengen too hmm