TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Lol. I do recognize that Donruss Rated Rookie style logo.

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If anyone is participating in the Zed drop, this is very important. Do not convert your ETH to WETH outside the Zed website. You need to use this to convert your ETH to WETH:


(there may be an alternative to this but not that I could figure out with only a few hours left).

Are you going for a horse and what level of horse do plan on going after? and your bolded message seems quite important as I think they state this about a dozen times on their blog.

mf said krhft

I’ll go in if somebody wants to split a horse but I can’t process any other info right now as I think I’m having a stroke.

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If I had enough $ in WETH I would be going for the Szabos. As it stands I only have enough loaded for Finney’s/Buterins. My strategy is to just click on the first I see and try to buy. There are other attributes of the horses but in my experience from last drop, there was no time to filter on anything, you just spammed click and prayed that you got anything. This time they are splitting the drop into 12 waves so I’m interested if that makes an impact.

Never even saw one.

ETA: I got that email in the 1st wave, opened it, clicked, got to the empty marketplace … timer til the next drop indicated 1:20 had elapsed.

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topshot figured out they needed packs to sustain anyone buying in the marketplace

but now they’re going straight to junk wax era printing

there’s definitely a sweet spot where enough packs to get people in and buy stuff but not flooding the mp with them like now

they don’t care they’re here to make the $ and run I wonder how long that license is…

Paused for technical issues. Just a stress test man. Wait until they get everything locked down!

when even the highlights are terrible


x14000 Lebron 35k CC+

x14000 Steph 35k CC+

x14000 Luka 35k CC+

x1575 LaMelo 35k CC+

x800 Zion 35k CC+

x1575 Luka 35k LE

x1025 Durant 35k LE

x1025 Lebron 35k LE

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even moneymaker is getting rich :frowning:


The dumbest fucking timeline

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Welcome to crypto land. They love themselves some decentralisation. Guess it makes sense given they are libertarian morons by and large.

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pranksy already sold it for 299ETH so they made around 400k on the flip



shame score 706 :sob:

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What’s their collectors score though