TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

its $10 per common card god no

Yeah pricing is crazy on that.

Considering taking a shot at ZED. If the platform grows, this seems early-ish days ā€¦ big if, of course, but the overlap with the streaming community has me wondering.

Found this blog post about ZED drops. I was curious about the pricing of ā€œgenesisā€ horses from ZED v secondary markets. This is surprisingly not easy to find, but it seems that the prices have risen between drops and the way in which you can purchase has changed also. Still, this is a table put together by that blogā€¦

I donā€™t know how his prediction matched with reality, but am assuming the historical numbers are somewhat accurate at least.

Very basic overview tweet:

He estimates:

You probably need AT LEAST $350 to get started with Zed Run right now

Time/knowledge is a large barrier to entry, but that could ease. Also, growth? Partnerships?

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The barrier to entry right now for ZED is really high, I think this is a big limiter of upside. Maybe that changes at some point though. I think thatā€™s one of the big things that NiftyGateway and TopShot have going for them. The ability to just go on a website and purchase an NFT without having to deal with a crypto wallet or know what even a crypto wallet is, is a huge plus.

14$ pax +ev?

Yes, you will be able to get $5/ea minimum for every card in the pack.

             163461. Brutal in that not enough of a gap to not check in an hour (5am my time) but highly unlikely to get a pack

How many pax? 19k in front of me


sweet. Anything in these that Iā€™ll be able to retire if I rip?

Unsure. I imagine the hustle cards go in a challenge

Anyone got a figure for the total queue?

No, your best bet is probably a jersey or a #1 serial, that could fetch around $3k-5k.

Think it was around 240k but thats just based on me leaving the line and rejoining it, I didnā€™t see the number in the little message box where it usually is

I am not rich. sad.

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@kep Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re still in line but I think chat said you started at 158k, I think weā€™ve already made up 20k so double check, you might be due for one. Same goes for any1 in the 150-160k range.

100% roi on packs yawn iā€™m all about cube life now Nifty Gateway


ZED drop on Friday, ā€œpacific time,ā€ whatever that means.

Been thinking about this, and think I agree with what others have said. Seems like free money if you get one of the drops, but the system is apparently glitchy from past reads and some people get charged ā€œgas feesā€ though their buy doesnā€™t go through. So it isnā€™t risk free.

Actually racing, maybe thereā€™s long-term money in it, but probably not big unless you slowly buy up to more $$ horses ā€¦ so then maybe ā€œbreedingā€ horses, if you have one of the original bloodlines, thereā€™s money there ā€¦ from what Iā€™ve seen, the money is in ā€œhorsesā€ and not racing

Yes, that seems accurate. Youā€™d have to have WETH on the ZED platform ready to go.