TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle


lol wasnā€™t you josh

anyway you all ended up being right anyway and I was wrongā€“topps massively fucked up 90% of serial numbers were based on when you opened the pack in order (or pack #, idk yet).

I had two different times of pack openings, all the commons/uncommons are the same range when I opened them except a handful. My account alone proves it wasnā€™t random. much less everyone elseā€™s

(cards seemed random, serials were not)

Explains how UP drilled a huge % of #1s I guess.

It was about PAX tho. Some of us were lucky enough to get 20 pax.

I just confirmed it by opening one pack I had left and got mostly 1400ā€™s for the commons. Thereā€™s multiple factors but the main one by far is when you opened it as to your serial number. Very roughly 66-75% of the serials are based on this. Thereā€™s also other batches left for lower numbers so maybe thereā€™s going to be some of that later. (I did get 2 that were not and my uncommon wasnā€™t at the back) the rest were dead on ringers for being pack opening order like the rest of what I opened.

Shame it isnā€™t by pack # (impossible, I had 2 orders and that pack didnā€™t come close to the others I ripped) so Iā€™d go on the MP and make some $ off it.

Some % order, some % batch, some % random stragglers (I got a #4 somehow earlier so thereā€™s random stragglers out there) for at least the commons and probably the premiums

the 52 with a one pack sample size did not appear to be the case

Sucks they fucked it up

heh it really is the 90s again, remember when every X pack in a box was the insert so dickheads would go into retail stores and only buy those packs and leave the rest. Often every third or occasionally itā€™d feel different where youā€™d auto know. was great for kids who just bought packs with no inserts in them (my local shop would shuffle them before putting them out there fortunately but obviously dept stores did not, I wasnā€™t unethical so it never occurred to me to do that)

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why are you people talking about football cards in the mona lisa thread


Turn those into NFTs my man.


Topps released MLB packs today on the Wax BLOCKCHAIN and they sold out really quick

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how are they gonna make their cube a rectangle

it morphs


tell me more

No hay banda! Itā€™s all a tape. Il nā€™est pas de orquestra. It isā€¦ an illusion!

tHeRe iS No CuBe!

oh nvm i see

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so is it a cuboid or a prism

i aint googling that shit


Something like that. However, that subset is called TEAM CUBE, so maybe Topps knows some modern geometry theory Iā€™m not familiar with.

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