TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

@Lawnmower_Man can I get an NFT? I spend my time in the discord instead of thread these days so didn’t see this sooner

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You do you. My law partner and I have been half joking about making a TopShot ripoff called MoneyShot with GIFs ripped off PornHub. It’s a billion dollar idea until you consider the odds of getting sued into oblivion if it ever turned into any real money.


he just made it, we were chatting about it on the other-nfts channel

Yeah that’s where I heard about it, but he’s not in discord so inquiring here about how to acquire one

ahh gotcha, for some reason i thought he was on the discord, nvm

#3 for #3 seems fair. Do you have my address?

PM it to me please.

I’m not 100% sure that you can’t make them. You certainly couldn’t sell them or generate any revenue, and nothing like this will ever be whitelisted on AtomicHub, for example.

You need to PM your Wax address and a serial preference (if you have one).

You are now the proud owner of #3 NetsFan NFT

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Can I still get a lawnmower man nft? I think I’m on wax now, whatever the fuck that is, for baseball cards on 4/20.

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pm address


lebron buying this off me next year when he’s #6 again (but i won’t sell)


What’s funny to me is @microbet commented out of nowhere about liking the art but automatically assumed he couldn’t afford one.

It’s another NFT blockchain just like flow. What’s interesting is you can back NFTs on Wax with coins that can only be released by burning the asset. Why someone may want to do that I have no idea, but it’s possible.


Cool cats pax tomorrow!!!


Since there is 92,500 packs being released tomorrow I’m going to guess that my inline Q # will be about 185k , haven’t been able to snag any good packs lately but then again I don’t do the volume or have the dapper to drop on 1k packs.

I hope it all goes to zero fuck all of you


pack Q

Ok was off by about 100k ended up at 273k

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