TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

KYC within a couple weeks. Withdraw option appeared maybe 3 weeks later. My guess is they eventually get to you but it’s very obvious they are trying to make the people actually making them money have priority on withdrawals and they have for the most part. They are planning on having a tier system for eligibility on pack drops going forward too most likely.

If they were insolvent or something they would do exactly the opposite. They also just got a 300m round of investing so the Harlabob takes and some here suggesting the money isn’t safe do not seem like good takes.

I wish withdrawals were easier but there is method to the madness on this issue. Some kind of anonymous crypto deposit/withdrawal system would just make every pack drop like every concert ticket release on ticketmaster.

I put in 650, joined Feb 22nd, did KYC ages ago and have 400 transactions and I’m guessing 3k in rake, and I can’t withdraw.


Not being able to initiate KYC or do ANYTHING vis a vis getting your money is a huge problem. Give me a button that creates a meaningless ticket or something. But just saying “someday something may happen and poof you have access to your money, but you’ll never know if you are 100th in line or 100000000 in line” is worse than the marketplace going down imo.

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You are probably up soon. I joined Feb 1st. My first cashout hit my bank account March 25th. So if your timeline is the same it should be 1-2 more weeks.

I don’t disagree with you but I also don’t see how not letting low volume accounts cashout really negatively affects the market anyways. It isn’t like you would be going nuts buying topshots even if you could cash out.

That’s the fallacy with the whole withdrawals are the problem angle. If anything the more people who have been able to withdraw the worse the market prices have been. If everyone was instantly able to withdraw today prices would go down even more.

Which goes back to my original point. The withdrawal issue is just a symptom of the bigger problem which is they are incompetent. If they could snap their fingers and make withdrawals available for all today that literally wouldn’t solve anything.

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Wichita nailed it. The withdrawal stuff was a huge problem like 6 weeks ago, but really isn’t today.

Cashed out 3k and it hit my account in less than a week.

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I mean when we were all feverishly pumping money in 0% of people could withdraw. Now most active accounts can withdraw serious amounts of money and withdraws are the problem? It doesn’t add up to me.

The product sucks and is boring and using the product is a non-stop series of headaches. I say this as someone with 270 moments. So i am not happy either.


Weren’t you a late adopter? How much in transactions? (Livetoken is a good place to look)

Kind of a weird, elitist “you shouldn’t be able to cash out because you haven’t paid the rake us flippers (read: rent seekers) have” take but w/e. I’d probably do more than sign up for +EV pack lottos if I could get money on and off easily, the marketplace wasn’t constantly closed, and I didn’t have to pay $50 a month to compete with the likes of Josh to get any decent deal on a card.

It’s a good thing the NBA and its licensing is so valuable, because Dapper seems to be doing everything possible to scare away the average user. How is there not a bid / ask system in place?


That’s not what I’m saying. Of course you should be able to cashout. Some people not being able to cashout isn’t what is wrong with TopShot though.

It’s been over a month. My transaction total is probably right around a grand.

It’s ironic you mention ticket scalpers, because essentially that’s what all the Rayvin users are doing, right? Scooping up undervalued product to flip for profit while adding zero value?

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Humans having any chance at all does not resemble my understanding of ticket markets.

Moreso referring to the advantage play you guys are employing to do rent seeking against the layman user. I think it resembles ticket reselling quite a bit.

Which like, cool. Make that paper. I’m just salty because I can’t buy a $20 box of Prizm to rip because flippers are reselling them for 6-7x.

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I think the demand is about to plummet and secondary will “only” cost 2-5x by the end of the year.

That’s what I’ve heard some people speculate.

I just saw someone doing breaks for retail that added up to $210 per $20 box. Breakers are the real scum.

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Just to share another anecdote, the reason I didn’t get in earlier (behind the main reason of simply not noticing the thread, and then happening to open the thread the day of the 1k packs and thinking I missed the train) was because of hearing about the lack of cashouts. After I Did My Own Research it put me on team money is safe, but who honestly does any research?

there’s 0% chance the money is segregated so there’s no such thing as safe

this goes with a bank account though so lol


Yeah it’s just a big ass cauldron filled with money that people grab from when they need to buy a private jet with the topshot logo painted on the side.