TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Cliffs? Not been following this.

The company that makes TopShot is a joke. Incredibly easy to put money on. Impossible to take it off until they approve your account (I’m currently at a 2+ month wait). Completely antithetical to crypto / defi. They keep selling packs and printing money while denying the majority of their user base the ability to cash out.

Easy to put money on and impossible to get it off is like my #1 red flag when dealing with any gambling website.

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I mean that thread is simply amazing with all of the stans saying they are doing a great job and that the insane growth was out of their control. If growth is a problem, you could always, like, raise prices or not hold out 10% of your product for influencers fueling the hype train.

It’s impossible to hire more people temporarily to deal with this unforeseen increase in demand. This is unprecedented in the history of tech. Leave Dapper alone!


Also, here come $1,000 packs of an item that cost nearly nothing to produce!

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Also lol at the announcements every week of how many people now have access to withdrawals and numbers are complete shit. 15k people this week gained access to withdrawal! 57k total people have access to withdrawals! lol pathetic

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lol cedi osman 35k, damion lee 35k and a rudy gobert 35k. worth the 2 weeks wait

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I’m not going to go to bat for Dapper because they are obviously incompetent. That being said basically everyone I know who has done any reasonable amount of volume can cash out at this point. My first cashout hit my bank account about 6 weeks after I opened my account. There are a lot of problems but the withdrawal thing seems fairly minor to me compared to the product mostly sucking, the website really sucking and the entire leadership being incompetent morons.


This is my first time venturing in here, but to get an idea of the scale of this, can some give me an idea of the most money an unstuck reg has made off of these NFT things?

30k would be my guess but i might be lowballing the top guys

Thanks. That’s way more than I would have thought.

To my knowledge 40k or so. There are several of us up more than 10k as well. Because all of the activity is public you can see exactly how much people have made through an online tool.

Probably a good chunk of our overall profit is still from Josh sniping someone listing a Steve Nash moment at ~10% of its value and getting $10k from that.

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That’s litetally probably 10+% of UP total topshot profit. Insane. It was an instaflip also.

Hard disagree. Imagine how much more money would be piled onto the platform if you could seamlessly deposit and withdrawal near instantaneously. Also, the withdrawal fees are comical.

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Pretty much every person who has put serious money on the site can withdraw at this point. The people I know who can’t are the pack flippers. It’s obvious they are prioritizing cashing out for the higher volume accounts and they should.

If there were instant deposit/withdrawals the amount of cheating for pack drops and the like would go up exponentially. It needs to be quicker than 4-6 weeks but they have dramatically improved wrt withdrawals. I have done two and they were both in my bank account in 3 days or less.

Like withdrawals are not even close to a top 5 problem for TopShot right now. The website rarely works. There is still rampant cheating. The product kind of sucks and is boring. Deposits don’t work for many. They can’t scale likely due to the blockchain. They are being run by literal morons. Waiting a few weeks to get paid is not stifling this at all. In fact the only real boom period we ever had was when no one could cash out.

$5 for a crypto withdrawal or $25 for a wire transfer are far from “comical” imo.


Withdrawals is the #1 problem. There is no confidence in the product if most users can’t withdraw. People aren’t going to risk lots of money on a site they can’t easily withdraw from.

They obviously have a lot of other problems as well.

As of Friday 57986 people have access to withdrawing which is a fucking joke.

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“Most users can’t withdraw” would basically be false from my perspective. Any serious user is going to be able to withdraw 10k+/mo. 4-6 weeks after signing up at this point. All of the Unstuckers who have been active can withdraw.

Their aren’t 60,000 active topshot users right now. Ya they can get 300,000 people to buy packs but that includes a ton of multiaccounters and people who have no intention to do anything but flip packs so no it isn’t a fucking joke. If all you were ever going to do was buy packs, sell them and withdraw the money then guess what they told you from the start that isn’t who they were looking for.

Did you have to do anything to withdraw or did some day the button magically appear in your Dapper? I certainly can’t withdraw and I list that as about the biggest problem with the platform.

While I haven’t done 100k in flips, they took my money easy breezy and won’t give it back which feels bad to the average customer imo.

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