TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Pizza Hut dominating. Pax by Sunday.


no pax a few guys most notably wichita got sent to topshot prison


the 7xx Barrett RS has been sitting at 650 LA for like 3 minutes. Itā€™s close, but attractive. Not a lot of people ahead to the breakeven point and he did pop to 800 last night.

dude donā€™t trust me on this one

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They gave billionaire mark cuban a bunch of packs to open


For being too fast? Are they at least banning bots then? That sucks

someone got it, it was close but I wasnā€™t gonna, Iā€™m just sitting on my one Herro and probably going to min cash if he starts moving.

question: do we want to move this minute by minute stuff to Unstuck discord and leave this thread for more general info?


thatā€™s actually not a bad idea. iā€™m in support of that move. it would let us have channels like we could have a channel with all the known bots in.

we could also just make our own discord as well


Probably some combination of volume, fast times and maybe the Discord lynch mob. Itā€™s impossible to get ahold of anyone who can actually help so best case they get to my support ticket in 5-7 weeks. By then i will either be busto when this crashes or a multi millionaire as i own a lot of moments.

I canā€™t even delist what i have for sale which is fucked up.

I think also for two other reasons. UP proprietary info should stay with us and not lurkers and in case the Dapper discipline becomes more widespread.


Is it taking like 2+ minutes to go from ā€œprocessing your orderā€ to the dapper page for anyone else?

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Pace is a worthy opponent

Can someone post the UP or whatever discord for this?

giannis SS is like my white whale, its the one premium SS that i cant get a 3-digit of

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I feel like rayvine has been off way more than usual this week. Itā€™s still better than not having it, but going into the general marketplace once an hour is probably recommended

check DM for discord

It provides me with great satisfaction when his immediate relists donā€™t sell.

Iā€™ve been scared to pull the trigger on a couple but the 3 digit superstars have not failed me yet on resell.

All the 2k and below really.