TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

someone gotta pick up tj mcconnell #69

55s = likely not.

No that one hung like crazy.

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Nah saving myself for Thad #87


Can’t believe they put the cooldown back to 1 min, God if this wasn’t such easy money I would be done with these idiots

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i was trying to see if he uses topshot, doesnt look like he does. im thinking about buying though for the memes

ImJosh you bought that sabonis because 3-digit sn going for min cost for that card is a good buy?

I just don’t have a good feel for how much premium to actually resell that for yet, as I think rayvin overestimates

I bought the Beal for 160 and flipped for 200 for quick $30 profit in 14 mins

Am I doing it right?


it’s like a free 20 dollar bill unless the entire market goes down

Rayvin overestimates 9xx and underestimates the lower ones. Rayvin has the same estimate for everything between 101 and 1,000. That doesn’t match up with the market realities.


usually any 3-digit for min is pretty safe. If it’s sub #500 it’s even safer. im not selling though, im selling my 4-digit sabonis. slowly trying to get 3-digit versions of the SS to help with my exit strategy.


2 hour cooldown so neither of us can respond. Fun.

Just DM him - no timer on that at least.

the most ev play was to buy 5 figures worth of SS in two days ago and hodl to today (or maybe later). but like that involves not only guessing the market behavior right but also counting on dapper labs to work (lol).

the safest way is quick flips. so ya.


I am losing about -100ptbb/100 from getting Rayvin’ed. Probably should start reading the descriptions.

I did of course they are just discord mods and can’t really help.


at least the response seems to indicate they think you may have gotten caught up in a bot ban-wave. they may have some knowledge of what that message means

Yeah, I am yet to see a sub 40 time today.

Via pm the red person said rayvin is allowed to their knowledge. Whether or not dapper bros will buy that is all I am using who knows.

Maybe the rest of us should record ourselves for evidence.