TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

How do imjosh and goofy avoid the ban hammer, when others get it. Seems pretty arbitrary.

Yeah I had a few 40-45s ones today. But like, only 14 purchases today. And 21 total.

How do the obvious 2x second bots get left to run wild for a month and Iā€™m banned without even an email explaining it.

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i havent bought anything today and generally iā€™ve always gone for larger plays rather than massive amounts of smaller plays. itā€™s possible they implemented something within the past 24 hours based on volume, just a guess


per discord the 2 hour thing was not intended

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figures that pace, mark and kudu all still operational but they arrest wichita.
no justice no peace


How about the account bannings? Were those intended?


We should try to figure out what the similarity are between Wichita and emmpee though to try and figure out whatā€™s going on here. I searched discord for ā€œFor security reasons your account is blocked.ā€ and am not coming up with any recent hits.

I also did KYC earlier today, dunno if thatā€™s related.

Did you pass it?


does anyone else in your household have an account?

So did I but I look like a fat , bearded scrotum and my driverā€™s license looks like Michael J. Fox so Iā€™m not sure how.

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No, clean access profile for me. Single user, no public wifi, no VPN, etc.

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of the 14 purchases you made today how many did you re-sell?

Rayvin says ā€˜Chris_Meadā€™ just listed 2 moments within a minute. And Jhagan11 definitely just made 2 purchases in about 10 mins. Limit off?

thatā€™s the problem. no one has a clean profile. too suspicious

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Listed all of them I think, sold 10 pre-ban, 1 more just now.


So that seems like the biggest similarity so far. Buy and re-sale large amount of the same moments within a small time window. Maybe 10 was a trigger

Stupid considering most of the bots donā€™t do that. Not that dapper would know.