TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

No one knows. He is a real bastard though.


Ah, what are your sleep hours so I know when to be on and not be sniped?

215am-345am cst.


$1 DeAaron Fox Special gogogogo.

I think heā€™s beaten me more than the reverse too, a complete jerk

Did peopleā€™s dapper dollars come back? Sounds there are good deals but I donā€™t want to get stuck with missing money and maintenance limbo if I blast some off here.

I think mineā€™s been fine but I guess I wouldnā€™t exactly know for sure given the trades I make

Ehh you have gotten me quite a few times too.

Also my Dapper money is still missing. @SvenO @DUCY how about you guys?

I wasnā€™t sure on that randle but seeing wheatrich get it makes me wish I had

Seems like things have come to an almost total standstill. Well done Dapper, Well done

You wouldnā€™t have beaten me on that one

Donked off a Luka for 745 I bought this morning for 620 because I have so much Dapper money I am getting dapper poor. Sucks.

same happened here whole site was brutally slow during that timeframe so who knows

still missing $1.8k, I have one of the moment receipt windows open and it has been processing the purchase for 2 hoursā€¦I closed the other one back when I saw I didnā€™t get the moment

We seem to have bottomed out or seeing a bit of a bounce in the SS right now imo.

still missing. itā€™s from 2 transactions early this morning. Still havenā€™t gotten the email transaction failed. Thatā€™s when it gets released I think

The good news is it is such a widespread problem that it will almost certainly get fixed. Super annoying right now though.

Lol. Definitely a bot.

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Iā€™ve seen a bunch of people say they either arenā€™t getting Dapper funds after selling or they arenā€™t getting them refunded after a failed buy.

Itā€™s very tempting to buy the rs who glutted up at 600 yeterday across the board at 500 and then go take a nap. I donā€™t have the stones though.

eta: maintenance