TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

That has happened to me like 30% this morning.

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The folks down at the factory really are taking their sweet ass time minting these pre-order pax. Any chance there is a delay in shipment?

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According to Discord I am buying multiple moments simultaneously. Even with the cooldown lol.

you bought 2 in a row really quick earlier I was like the ****

The marketplace lagged on the first one I think so I was pretty much able to go right back and get the next one.

This is one I’m still missing Dapper from. It’s over an hour old at this point and still updating. It was purchased by a bot in about 30s but I haven’t had any of these hang on ones I lost that were human times.

Market down eh?

I’m getting the email storm now about failed purchases. I think they’re clearing the backlog of stuff. You guys should be made whole soon.

Funds have been returned, now go back to a 15 or 30 minute buy cooldown please


I just got a notification about the $620 luka i bought earlier today as if it just happened. The one I already sold like 30 minutes ago lol.

Dapper still gone for me "/

Stop complaining, they are working very hard. If you lose some Dapper, maybe don’t trade on a BETA site clearly marked as such.

I think it is all back now. Not 100% sure. Morning haul was:

41 moments bought for $3503
18 moments sold for $2122

I think that works out to about the right amount of Dapper I am down.


Down 1400, lol fish.


mikey is scum

Anyone else ever got a “you cannot complete the purchase your account needs further review” at the checkout screen before?

38s! what a bot! nice Randle.

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I really want to buy Herro if I see another 700, it’s not a punt punt but he was 899 at peak I believe, I dunno. Seems like Herro pumps on this site.

nice to see they’re finally doing something about bots

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Happened on a 2nd straight listing. Then on the 3rd one it worked. Odd.

The odd thing is they are rayvin users as they know the buy times. But they suck too bad to do it themselves? Or are these our competitors trying to get us banned on discord lol?