TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Lol wheatrich I got the no buy button refresh page of death on that Lavine.

It seems there are quite a few people missing money from their Dapper balance on Discord also. So far I have no money back.

Your pony got sniped by a 12 year old with a broadband connection

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so did I

you just didn’t want it more

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Best way is to buy PAX and sell the cards to get dapper balance

Then you avoid the $200 in fees (which are ridiculous)

I forgot what the feeling is like to open pax.


Is this a BTFD moment or what?

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Seems like a great time for low serial mins

Possibly - prices are down, but I’m not seeing a ton of new listings, just laddering down right now. So if that stops and we get just a bit of buying, we could easily move back up quickly.

I’m watching to see whether we see the number for sale keep going up.

I think so but it would be nice if I wasn’t missing $2k in Dapper funds, account is getting lower than I’d like

someone bought the thad off the guy

originally flipped at a big win, then flipped again at a loss new guy trying to flip it

Waiting for a rayvin filter for [x] Hide Thaddeus Young #87

Bidding at the two-week Beeple sale, consisting of just one lot, began at $100.

With seconds remaining, the work was set to sell for less than $30 million, but a last-moment cascade of bids prompted a two-minute extension of the auction and pushed the final price over $60 million. Rebecca Riegelhaupt, a Christie’s spokeswoman, said 33 active bidders had contested the work, adding that the result was the third-highest auction price achieved for a living artist, after Jeff Koons and David Hockney.

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Same boat. Hope they get it fixed soon.

Someone wake @anon3530961 up so he can come hoover up all the cheap lukas.

Big bump up in set completions yesterday, but still a ton of uncompleted potential. A quick check showed that roughly 13% of SS moments are still in packs.

I’m now getting the no buy screen that needs to be refreshed every time.

It’s possible everyone and their mother knows from CC2 to get the sets completed early and that is why we see the downward pressure. Hoping not as I am holding a ton of SS atm.

my boy vottoast was bumhunting last night, guy buys his moment back for $150 more than he sold it lmao

There’s a long way to go if only 1,176 have completed it. If a ton more don’t complete it, then it actually becomes worth holding for a low serial KD.