TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

I think all the ss prices sunk

Well you should do something about that, shouldnā€™t you?

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Iā€™ve bought a bunch this am.

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Keep going. Weā€™re less than $200 from my listing price. I believe in you.

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thank you, still getting used to this formatting, had no idea anyone responded, setting up coinbase now

I hate to tell you this but Coinbase has pretty high fees also. Not sure if it is quite as much as dapperā€™s cc fee but it will probably be close.

Got owned a bit by the ss sell off

I see weā€™re back to bot domination and prices tanking like usual

Whatā€™s the longest people have had Dapper not refund their failed purchase amount? Starting to get worried that my $1500 failed buy just disappeared into the blockchain never to be returned, I never got a failed purchase email from Dapper either

holy cow, are prices falling through the floor here for SS or what?

Anyone else missing some dapper money this am? Seems 300 or so is mysteriously gone from my account.

Just saw this. I have some missing as well. Iā€™ve never had the refund take this long.

Good to know itā€™s probably a system problem, I havenā€™t had one take this long either

Letting the bots run absolutely wild is not good for prices imo. Not only do they get all the deals they resist for way under market value. People see those prices and then list theirs for lower too. People here do similar but most times the relists are much closer to mp.

so much demand all the cards are going down in price

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Iā€™m missing ~1200 from a failed luka and zion. Didnā€™t get the failed email yet. Itā€™ll clear up then. Itā€™s happened before

idk why i even try when the good deals get bought up in 40 seconds

Has anyone else noticed that the marketplace search for seeing stars doesnā€™t work? Sometimes bringing up as little as half the set, but always missing some. Is it this way for other sets too and Iā€™ve just never noticed before


Yep, gotta refresh/scroll and hopefully you can get them all.