TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Are you guys like the only Rayvin users? Would explain why normies think you’re bots

there’s a bunch on it it’s just goofy/josh people think are bots and josh it’s just that one weird dude who’s obsessed

Yeah I mean judging by the names I see it does appear to be just UP and bots and maybe 5 other users haha


normies on discord probably dont want to pay $50/mo for the market view

but also it isnt advertised much i think

Not sure I count as low 40s as I’ve only hit that a handful of times, but voted anyway.

Maybe I’m exaggerating but the people on here who use Rayvin seem to be elite at snagging top deals. Could just be confirmation bias since I can’t see every price but even when my slow paper hands see a good price and click on it, seems like almost always one of the people on here that gets it.

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nobody else has a forum of a ton of posts on it is why

hmm luka trading at 848, better post mine for 650! lol wtf

totally glossed over it with my eyes wtf

My first Luka ss. I assume the play is to hold for now?

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Yeah we need a brain doctor to tell us why this is a thing, I don’t get it

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I would - unless you need the Dapper.

probably. if you wanna get scientific about it, hold until you see the # for sale increase by a certain amount, like 10 or 25 or something. as long as the # for sale keeps going down, i dont see why price doesnt keep going up

My average snipe is probably 47-55s. I’m assuming I lose a lot when I’m even slower.

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LBJ 15k - $1k
LBJ 7500 - $1.3k


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Given you can only list 2 per hour. What is your exit point for when you’re going to start selling (SS in general, not just Luka)?

fwiw this reset after 10 minutes. i guess similar to the cancel buy thing

See that’s the problem. We cut corners and settled for an ER doctor.

Ugh that Wiggins is temping but its Andrew Wiggins sooo…

I should just buy some RS and call it for 30 min waiting is probably not the smart play here

had to dump 2 durants just for enough dapper to do what i want today then I’ll have to see after that