TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

i dont have a fully fleshed out plan, i cant decide to base it off of price or # of ppl with completed challenge. probably needs to be some combination of both, but i dont know how to quickly check # of ppl completed challenge, sorta just relying on the twitters for those graphs.

It feels like if the lower tier SS start going for $250-$300 range it might be time to sell… but… if only like 1000 people have completed the challenge at that point, maybe not? Because if only 1000 people get a labron, thats gonna be a valuable labron. Maybe even worth punting 80% of the cost on a Vuc and others at that point by holding.

The other challenges all had a massive spike then a pullback but that was from the huge growth spurt so it’s hard to gauge what’s gonna happen

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lol the dort market is tanking dunno what to do

what dort did u buy?

I’m having zero luck tonight, you guys are good

Get into the Jokic market and ride it all the up to my card’s price point.

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metallic gold despite being the lowest ask for 14 hours 8 people decided they wanted a different one instead

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metallic gold for 550. i was the lowest price at 690 (next lowest was 730) since yesterday but now people undercutting and no buys

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If you are tapped out on dapper money I would sell even at a slight loss. Every 30 mins that goes where you can’t make a buy is probably like $40 in ev you are burning.

That’s just me though.

if a #180 vuc is only 38 over list ffs


Pretty sure Rayvin values all cards 101-999 the same.

edit: without looking, I’d bet you could get 275-300 pretty easily.

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but now I’m 7/12

I’m probably selling though I admit it.

My filter is at 20% / $100 minimum. Do you guys think that’s too strict?

yes. I’m at 10%. You’ll miss some good serials and things like a Curry for $100 under min.

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Judging by the thread - that is on the looser side

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you’ll miss a $850 Luka being posted for $700 with that filter.

filters are hard =\ i always changing mine never found one i like 100% of the time

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These $100 under value asks for the lower tier RS are very good atm, all of it is rising too. Not sure what the premium on the 2 digits should be though.

Guess I sold a little early on the Zion SS.

@WichitaDM pretty sick account values. What are you guys in for?

Combined about 2500 I think. Wife binked the metallic gold pack and got Giannis so that is the majority of hers.


panic sold for $631. $50 profit