TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle



itā€™s a little bit of both

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i still think thereā€™s a massive flood of people about to come on to this platform so i wanna have a decent $ in moments in case that happens, since thereā€™s a lot more money to be made through your moments increasing in $ vs flipping.

But the question is, what are they gonna buy. Theyā€™re probably gonna buy the shiny new stuff, and Iā€™m holding old S2 KDs and LeBrons. I could see those continuing to drop a bit but I donā€™t want to try and time the market. Iā€™m confident that eventually $ will come back into these ā€˜olderā€™ KD/LeBron stuff. I donā€™t buy the argument that only S1 will matter long-term, and I canā€™t see how someone is gonna rather own a S1 Coby White over an S2 LBJ/KD. Until then Iā€™m just gonna keep flipping the high-liquidity stuff as I can to increase my dapper while my ā€˜core holdingā€™ remains mostly unchanged.

On these new massive pack drop Iā€™ll probably be targeting KD/LBJ there as well.


I would buy this myself, but have to do actual work for the rest of the afternoon, so doubt Iā€™ll be able to be on-line when market opens. Probably wonā€™t be sniped but expect itā€™ll go fairly quick as only $11 over min.

Another one -

risky holding memes during a challenge pump tho. if you dont flip before challenge ends youā€™re gonna be holding a big bag

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Iā€™m not sure what to do if the SS moons like cool cats. Didnā€™t the cool cats drop off a bunch even before the challenge ended? Maybe Iā€™ll sell everything and rebuy right before the challenge endsā€¦ Probably super risky.

yes, for the challenges they start flying down 2 days before the end as the people who arenā€™t going for the challenge panic and dump before they really go down

meme dream addition?

also, the next common issuances will probably have the first 42069 and maybe even 69420 serials. Very bullish

you should drink more milk

Yeah im not reading the wsj.

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So like the day i read about this product i thought they are about to make tons of money. I emailed about a position, had 4 interviews with 7 different people and got a ā€œthanks but no thanksā€ mail today.


At least now i can truly hope it fails


Dude has been a shill the entire time


need brokenheart button

This might be a ā€œthings that piss you off but shouldnā€™tā€ entry but one of my major pet annoyances is online marketplaces that allow bots and flip spammers to crowd the listings with absurd prices. You want a Zion S2 #32,091? That will cost you $250,000 right now on NBA Top Shot. Please never, ever show me this bullshit. I donā€™t care if itā€™s only one byte of data, donā€™t transmit it to me. But if you must, at least order them by low ask by default and allow me to spam lowball offers and insulting messages like I do on eBay and Reverb.


i actually considered listing some of the stuff i donā€™t want to really sell at 250k just because Iā€™m afraid i might accidentally sell it (like for example accidentally list a 3-digit serial lebron iā€™ve been holding when i had just bought a 4-digit one to flip). Especially when I have multiple copies of the same moment. But then they did the rate-limited listings so obviously I never got around to it. If they wonā€™t let you ā€˜lockā€™ a moment so you canā€™t sell it easily, listing at some insane price is sort of the next best thing. Now maybe 250k is a bit silly, but itā€™s maybe not a bad idea I guess for me to just list the stuff I want to hold at like 50x LA or something like that


As Iā€™ve gotten older, Iā€™ve definitely lost interest in sports memorabilia. My interest in video game collecting has skyrocketed, though.


always pictured you with that level of sophistication ;-)

Yeah there should be a vault you can move them into thatā€™s two steps removed from a sale or something. Also, to be clear, Iā€™m not actually against you being able to list it for $250,000. I put the onus on the sites to create an experience that doesnā€™t constantly present us with (tons of) dominated options. eBay and Scamazon are notoriously bad at this; they have so much stock for sale that is used / broken junk listed by pallet auction flippers at premiums over brand new retail items. Also bots doing dynamic price arbitrage where youā€™ll see $3 bodywash go out of stock and then itā€™s $986.82/ea.


Good article about challenges.

I think the one thing the study is missing is the EV adjustment for getting a low serial. The overall marketcap of a moment is probably on the order of 10-20% higher if i had to guess above just taking the low ask * supply, when accounting for serial number values. Maybe higher for LeBron in particular due to the high amount of people who would be after his jersey # as opposed to like Ish Smith jersey # moment. Overall probably not a huge change in the calculation though.

Iā€™m trying to think of what my exit plan is for the SS moments. I think if they like were to for example run up another 50-100% from here, but the base LBJ/KD moments didnā€™t change price at all, it seems like exiting the SS would be an obvious play. Maybe even selling SS and buying up the base KD/LBJ as a sort of a hedge at that point

My wife published a childrenā€™s book several years ago. It was mostly for fun - the retail price was $10 and she donated half of the proceeds to charity. She probably made only a few hundred bucks. There is one copy for sale on Amazon for $902.81.

EDIT: It also only has 4.8 out of 5 stars because one of her friends gave it 4 stars, thinking it would look fishy if she gave it 5. wtf