TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle



I know. I wasn’t even being sarcastic. That reminds me: I own a copy of gorie’s coloring book on Amazon. When she discontinues it I’ll list it like a Lebron #1 Cosmic.



One way to do it may be time work backwards.

Luka 15k is $250,
so maybe the 10k should be $375 unadjusted.
Maybe put an additional 10% factor on it since it’s new and cool. So call it worth $400 in non-challenge world.

The coolcats dipped 70% and the gift dipped 60%, but these are all stars so maybe they won’t dip as much, call it 50%.

400/0.5 = $800. Maybe that’s where Luka is trading at right before the challenge ends. Luka is trading at that point right now.

That would mean we are at the point right before stuff gets insane and goes parabolic before coming back down. Especially with such a long challenge time, my current belief in what will happen is this – Mass FOMO into the SS when the market opens and then a blow-off top back to a slow fall/flatline to around where we are right now before the challenge ends.

Problem is if that happens and the sell restrictions are in place, it will take a while to exit the SS.

You can get the most gains selling the bigger name guys first, but the lesser name guys are gonna be the hardest to sell when stuff starts dipping

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post challenge SS estimated value imo just split the difference between 7.5 and 15k’s but they might keep going down by then too.

Agree but most these guys dont have 7.5ks (to my knowledge, i know of ZIon Curry Giannis at least) and the non-S2 stuff has such low volume that the prices are less believable

well Vuc doesn’t have a 7.5k but his 15k is $26. that SS at 200 will not end well.


The marketplace just doesn’t work logically like this though. Herro CC vs 15k is $159 vs $66(2.4:1). For Cousins it’s $90 vs $21(4.3:1). Wall doesn’t have a 15k, but has a 12k and that’s $99 vs $90(1.1:1).

I think we just have to understand that this is an irrational market, so it’s hard to evaluate.

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Yeah more i think about this more i think exiting is gonna be the best plan. But i’m expecting a massive pump on the market open. People are gonna FOMO in GME-style. I still think these things can fly another 25 or 50% from here.

I think the answer for that difference is that the CC moments still have utility baked in to them for the Lamelo master challenge. And the wall 12k has utility of being his first moment (lolbadges)

from the josh link above

Of the 860 collectors with 12/13 required moments 108 are missing Luka and 688 are missing KAT. The remaining 84 are missing one of the other required moments

688 people have spent gobs of money on all the cards and haven’t bothered on sub 200 KAT yet?


That’s cool to know that I was one of the first 400 to complete seeing stars, possibly earlier.

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KAT is the CC with the highest count so I can see waiting for it to fall further. Would be basically impossible to corner the market.

Is it possible to get that type of distribution for the SS? Might show which cards have the most left to gain (e.g. did collectors start with the expensive ones or the cheap ones).

Can’t believe there’s less than a 100 people willing to spend $9k to get a Scary Terry reward…


probably the first challenge the cards only went down the entire time

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I need someone to buy my 40 dollars under lowest bid Dort metallic gold or i cannot flip :frowning:

Are we back yet or what is the deal? They announced gradual reopening but i don’t see anything yet.

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Up here it looks like

I already snagged a 475$ Zion


Good news for you guys. Hammurabi blew his load on a #78 Dort


didnt get a view of # of listings for SS before mp opened but theres

935 luka
1036 zion
958 steph

for sale now, lets see if those # go up or down