TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Got a Tatum SS $20 below next lowest ask. I’m hitting these all on mobile not using any programs. Definitely a more fair marketplace currently.


I’m seeing a pretty decent number of users snapping moments in Rayvin time, way more than people here I think.

I’m holding some SS i bought for too much at the start of the challenge and the one i got in my pack and flipping all of the low serial ones i happen to snag. Seems like a decent hedge if they moon i still have some to sell at a nice profit and if they’re stagnant or drop in price over the next couple weeks I’ll have made a lot more on flips than the money i lose on the held ones.

I’ve gotten to the Dapper screen a few times but haven’t been able to buy anything on my phone all day. Might try my Rayvin-less PC when I get home though. It will probably get harder as people can make more purchases but I guess there will also be more listings and more noise to sort through.

Just down to Simmons, Bonis and Brown for the Lebon challenge. Hopefully someone buys my garbage tonight!


Do you have everything for the KD challenge too?

I fail 95% of the buys on my phone using data (not connected to wifi), if it’s a good deal that gets insta bought you will never beat the people on a computer hardwired or wifi connected

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So the risk with the challenges is that all the SS cards plummet in worth after by a value that is greater than the actual reward? Like if you can get a lebron for 4k and lebron reward is worth 2k, it’s going to be hard to get 2k worth of value back from shitty serial SS that made the lebron?

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I don’t, so I’m sure it’ll all end up being required for Lebron :(


I’m getting ready to stick me eyes on the the 100-150 S1 commons. I
was assuming they were up since I finally sold a McLaughlin for 108.

It’s too bad Lebron was so much better at drafting than KD. It would’ve been interesting to see how values would look if KD had the clearly better team vs the Lebron reward being more valuable than the KD.

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40minute timer now


Guy buys 6xx wiseman for 1600, doesn’t buy 18x for 1769, wHeRe Is ThE lOgIc?

has it been 2 weeks since we bought those preorder packs? cause it feels like a year


1600 is cheaper is the logic


But LA is 1499, I guess I should have put that in, just buy the LA then and clear the glut.

i haven’t bought since mak has now bought 2 things good god

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I’m a believer that serials won’t matter at some point.

Unless it’s the #1.

#140 for $1800 looks good but after that urs prob sells, if not sooner, imo

i think the serial numbers are gonna be treated like a digital grade and way of distinguishing otherwise perfectly identical stuff. that’s at least how they seem to be treated now, but yea could mean nothing later on