TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

omg i got saved by the buy timer

didnt realize it was 15k LE

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25s MyDefaultNameWasTerrible on #79 Jrue for $10

looks like an old bot name change to me

ive watched # of lukas for sale on and off through the day. peaked at 1310ish and hovered there for a couple of hours. now down to 1290. if it keeps coming down, we bull mode

Almost done with the Durant challenge. Most of them 3 digits for ~min. My goal now is to flip enough SS to have it be a free Durant!


Herro RS $7 donā€™t know if anyone can buy but there you go

lol even worse it was #214

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damnit i tried

got AD consolation prize

Do you think they meant to list for $700?

possible but they wouldā€™ve gotten a HEY THIS IS TOO LOW message so either way theyā€™re dumb as shit

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if the bots are now making multi accounts to get around the time limitā€¦ :(

well Iā€™m certain people still have multi accounts in the pack queues

but there arenā€™t that many bots out there atm

yeah agree and it could just be a couple people running all of them. Althought it def seems like theres at least a couple different ones, based on just looking at their behaviors. For example the ones who change their account name frequently vs the ones who dgaf

Hunter RS $299 damn

i think weā€™ll start to see the floors raise on the lesser RS/SS as the buy times are reduced, letā€™s see. though 90 ā†’ 80 isnt really a massive change.

whoa 1000 embiid someone get that. prob a decent premium right?

omg of course now these other low serial ADs getting posted lolll

wiseman #922 of his base 4k sub 1k

and Iā€™m gonna sit here and watch the east coasters get home from work and dump all of it arenā€™t I

thereā€™s scallops, was wondering

Luke approaching the wall at $600 once again. lets goooo

now 1281 :eyes:

Bought a low serial Cole Anthony last night for $100 as Rayvin said it was $200. 8 hours later, worth $80. Thanks Rayvin.


you got rayvinā€™d

gotta be careful out there


Yeah, stick to stars and min priced. If you can get a great serial for min, great! They way you get burned is buying high on mediocre guys or good serials.

Iā€™m probably going to lose $100 on my Jokic.