TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

im hoping they delay the coolcat drop to allow the market time to equilibrate but they probably wont

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The incoming common pre order dump is gonna be big too


That may be the plan, but itā€™s a bit concerning they havenā€™t come down yet from the 90 minute timer. Seems like it would make sense to start testing how much you can reduce the time limit without causing market issues.

maybe but i dont see it impacting the high value S2 commons, if so lol me i guess. I just canā€™t see someone selling the LBJ 3pt LE to buy like 4 of the LBJ 35k+ CC, i think rather itā€™s gonna tap into a new bucket of collectors who can afford a cheaper LBJ

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If they still have any limits, weā€™re almost certainly going to see sub $5 commons (and likely some $1).


someone earlier dumped all his commons at $1 each

When do we get preorders? Sorry if mentioned.

I got an email titled ā€œYour Pre-Order Status Updateā€ that said

We are pleased to announce that this pack will be delivered to your collection by the end of the day on Sunday, March 14th at the latest.

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damn that porzingis sold in 10 minutes.


Decent speed on that Jaylen

the one you listed for 60?

I wouldā€™ve insta bought it if I wasnā€™t shut out for the next hour for it. Those estimates are under priced for those three digits for the 350kā€™s if anything. I sold four digits for 100 pretty easily during fri/sat tankathon. maybe this wonā€™t hold true after the preorder dump though but thereā€™s not that many of them out there and there are people buying low serials.

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1 hr 20 mins

Yeah - low serials on the 35kā€™s seem to have an even higher premium than the 15kā€™s. But youā€™re right that it may only be temporary since there are so few of them. Itā€™s tougher now pricing flips since if you get it wrong, you have to waste a listing to fix the price.

all the RS appear to be coming up slowly trend since ~10-11am

embiid SS $175

get to enjoy some time off now

lol of course a better card immediately happens with that three digit RJ at min

one other thing i think we may overestimate how much your random topshot user knows about this stuff. i see people on discord asking about whether there is a lebron challenge or not. if people who are on the discord dont know that then people off the discord probably dont either

I assume everyone doesnā€™t know the durant one is going on yet

like politics I presume most people havenā€™t spent more than 30 seconds on reading anything.


Iā€™m here and Iā€™ve read most of the posts and I still donā€™t know a damn thing about Rayvin or how to flip or challenges or any of it. I just want pax.


1:20 is the time gap now not 1:30

lol, baby steps but ill take it! :rocket: