TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

got another Luka. Hopefully this SS :rocket: plan works out!


See you in 2 hours, josh - Enjoy the productivity, and be sure to thank Roham!


Yeah, I donā€™t trust Rayvin for the three digit stuff. Snap buy any three digit thatā€™s close to low ask of course, but I pass on most of them because even if theyā€™re valuable you need to have diamond hands and my hands are basically toilet paper. (That being said I have like eight SS nowā€¦nervous).

I will say I have listed three digit stuff for lowest around the same numbers and it does sell but slowly, sometimes for surprisingly high prices.

Chris Paul #370 ss for $130. Not sure how I feel about it.


Seems like a great buy.

closing in on record number of buyers and the day isnā€™t even half over


I know we were all shitting on Topshot yesterday, but this seems to be going swimmingly! Probably my best 24hours so far.


Iā€™m leaning towards getting more aggressive on moving the wiseman. If I take 300-400 off ask and it moves(still not guaranteed), seems like I could make back that 300-400 in buys just tonight.

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woke up and didnā€™t get anything

just like the old days

Yeah thatā€™s the problem, thereā€™s so much value out there right now (or not, maybe weā€™re all dead). I blasted off 1k of my own money into this garbage otherwise I would be selling everything to get dapper to flip more which I think is +EV even with the fees.

I expect this to get less profitable but I think it might always be somewhat profitable if you play the pack drop/challenge cycles correctly. But all of us are kinda still in the data gathering stage on small sample sizes and making educated guesses.


Is someone here jawbreaker?

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sigh loaded too slow for me on that dort

actually wanted that card anyway at that price and it was #20 welp

Iā€™m almost completely out from under the AD Cool Cats challenge. Just waiting on John Wall CC to sell. Iā€™m up over $500 on the challenge without selling the Wall, but I could have been up $4k+ if I had sold at the peak.

Lessons I think I learned from this.

  1. My original valuation on the AD moment was $500-600 and that appears to be where it settled. I got caught up in thinking it would be 2-3k during the run up and should have trusted my initial valuation.

  2. A big run up in value of the moments required to complete the challenge means itā€™s time to sell. You can easily buy the reward with the money you make.

  3. If you complete the challenge, you probably should sell for as much as you can as soon as you can. The only exception is something like the Luka CC where you know itā€™s going to be used for a future challenge and will be the limiting factor. Waiting for a bounce back was a really bad idea. The money is going to rotate out and move on to the next challenge. Those moments are only going to bounce back if the overall market is moving up along with it. Meanwhile youā€™re losing money by tying up your balance in moments that no one needs anymore.

  4. My expected valuation on the KD reward is somewhere between $1-1.5k as of right now. Hard to narrow it down further than that. This is if the market stays roughly as is. If it tanks further it will be lower. I have a hard time seeing it go higher without another overall market boom.


Iā€™m underwater on that Barrett I bought late last night at $450, heā€™s dipped from 550 ā†’ 450. I still think this is an artifact of not enough people able to buy all the RS but idk for sure. I think it is just mass undercutting right now


Man Iā€™m such a dumbass put in a way late buy effort on the Tatum then got blocked on the $75 Simmons.

Crunchy Black

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Meyers Leonard doesnā€™t have any moments, so the ā€œJews will not replace usā€ crowd canā€™t get in on this.

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topshotā€™s buy now page loading way too slow for me sheesh you guys beating me to everything

I liked the old way where I won sometimes

My wife just bought Michael porter jr rs #69 for $690. LOL.