TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

There was actually a lot of money to be made in the cheap moments when the trading was uncapped. Right now I would not recommend it because people likely aren’t wasting a buy on a 18793 Dwight Howard or whatever.

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I sold a Plumlee 1xxx I had listed forever at $26. Who is using their one purchase to buy that?

Paul #900 ss for $100. Omg I am going to have to quit watching rayvin while I am limited.


Zion #432/35k for $65 wtf.

Is that a quick flip?

Am I rich yet? Anyone flip a 1337 before?



I would. I sold a #883 earlier for $275.

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Lol nice

2/27 Tatum 1337 175 337

Took about 1 day to sell. Think the min was around 110 at the time.

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Got in on Zion at $443. Currently have Zion, Kyrie, Beal, and Mitchell.

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Moved to an area with better cell coverage and set up a filter to just show me SS cards $100 or less, improving my chances to buy from <0.001% to probably 0.01%

Edit: coverage is not better, i have one bar for some reason. It’s just fast enough to see the deals before missing them.

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I know someone mentioned it here but they really do need to make it a random lotto for everyone who tries to buy a moment within 2 minutes of the listing going up or 90 seconds from when the first person buys it. Just make everyone go into a waiting room and randomly assign the queue. Can’t be that hard since they do it for packs. Us plebs need a chance at a deal a too.


Our bot buddy MakBLMT saved themselves a nice cooldown for a $200-below-low-ask Luka SS, lol.

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haven’t seen anything

Lol jfc you guys are some junkies


Yeah, the bots can just recalibrate and snatch the sickest deals. Still, in the past they would get those and the others.

It’s really quite simple to see who is bottling, crack security team they have.

The other massive benefit of the 90 minute thing is being forced to sit out. I can actually get other stuff done.


It is crazy, since even if your job isn’t stopping fraud on your marketplace, it’s trivially easy to detect for casual users. You’d honestly have to purposely try not to figure out who the bots are with just the most basic of reporting tools.

My #223 Hayward I put up like 4 days ago for $165 just sold. Think I got it for $60ish. Rayvn currently only had it at 120ish.

Going to get crushed on that Jokic though. Rayvn had it at $1400 when I bought it down to $600 now.

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Thats just not at all how the tax code works. If you are doing significant volumes of these, Id contact an accountant. These are likely all capital gain/capital losses for each sale that require reporting, but there are complicating factors (i.e. are these all wash sales, potentially constructive receipt issues depending on how fast they get their act together on WDs) that an accountant would be able to give you a better answer on as this is all sort of a new/gray area for tax code. Probably going to be fine no matter how you report it (DFS sites have been reporting in a nonsensical way for years with no real effects) audit chances are small, but if you are audited withdrawals-deposits just really isnt at all allowed under the tax code.

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