TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

so @anon3530961 can you buy again? i get the same message

i havent tried, im afraid to use up my chance. waiting for a deal i like to try it

100 jokic is very nice. Here’s Jokic trend, hardly anything at $100, even during the big dip:


no dapper and running gag and all, but buy this

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just laughed at mak buying a 3 digit jrue for 12

but that’s purchase #2 tonight of his we at 2 hours already

k, it’s past an hour and a half (mak is mark’s bots name now)

Purchased in 52s by EireBrendan


i imagine these exploit-bots are just trying to buy everything and as soon as their window opens they get the first available deal

$100 kyrie SS but I just bought something nooooooooo

also a better 3 digit Jrue for $11 EAT IT MAK

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You can purchase again in 1 hours 16 minutes. [Learn more]

mother of god, it actually works.

I’m not fast enough :(

I tried to get it but missed

so you cant buy?

Have they said on discord how fast they intend to reduce things from here timer wise?

vottoast got it, grats skydiver8


nope. shit is working. exciting times. moon soon


:rocket: :man_astronaut:


Ugh can’t get anything

so i bought at 8:36, they reduced time to 90m at 8:46. wondering if ill be able to buy at 10:06 or 10:36. i guess we’ll see. Sidelined for another ~1hr minimum.

dort RS 275 was what I was waiting for but I bought a durant base 15k instead cause it was stupid low now I gotta wait more because I got too impatient

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