TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

no more getting beat by goofy and josh 25 times in 5 minutes

now i will be beat by 25 different people in 5 minutes


10 minutes will still be a little annoying if you want to do high volume stuff with commons but whatever.

i just want the MP running, even with these robinhood restrictions its better than not being able to use it at all. Obviously they’re trying stuff instead of just opening it up and shutdown 5 minutes later. Maybe all that DATA was useful for them after all.

oh btw i think i can buy again now? when does the ‘you cant buy’ message come up

nice you already hacked the system

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Click it and you’ll see.

i was thinking maybe when they set it to 90 minutes they reset everyones timer

I tried to list something thinking that but it told me I had 57 minutes left till I could list again (but still less than 30 minutes than before), I assume it’s the same for buying but haven’t tried

bought 2xx paul for 146 dunno why

2 Likes like this is cool and all, but is there a way to pause it or am I supposed to memory palace that shit like in the infomercials to read 5k wpm?

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Ahahahahahah you beat me. I can’t even beat Yuv.

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i took like 10 minutes to talk it over with my wife, check chris paul wikipedia, youtubed some wake forest highlights and then clicked buy.

you might be dead.

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I just got that $106 Jokic.


you beat me to it :(

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So much FOMO after buying!!! Let me back in!!!


Damn beat me

Lol tried for that one and the $106 Jokic

It’s a little discouraging that even with these restrictions in place, I can’t even come close to snagging any of the deals I see.

I got a 16 3 digit Powell. Be jealous!

Man these new limits really are going to hurt my dumpster diving ways =/


did he already flip this lol? i dont see it in his recently received moments.NBA Top Shot

for $599

he is the goat

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