TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Goal for the next 1 hr 59 minutes is to buy a Lebron 3 for $1099 or less


Bullish for me in Aus time zone

At least you didnā€™t get 2 hour burn for no reason.

SNs aside, really only Lamello was a God pull in this pack (not complaining not complaining)

were you really locked for 2 hours or could you do again in 10 mins? thats what they were saying on discord

Oh good I havenā€™t bought anything and Iā€™m locked out for 1hr 24 mins for some reason. I wasnā€™t even on the site 36 mins agoā€¦

Jacob | Dapper CommunityToday at 8:46 PM

UPDATE: The current limits on purchasing and listing in the Marketplace are 90 minutes for each respective action.



seriously though, i hope they keep a 10-15 minutes interval even when (lol) the mp is fixed


Feels like it can go one of two ways:

  1. Low price delistings plus limited cards for sale because of the two hour restriction means lower supply, higher prices

  2. The two hour restriction for purchases means artificially decreased demand and therefore lower prices

Just need the low ask for my SS card from the pack to increase by about $250 and it will hit my ask price. EZ GAME.

EDIT: I see itā€™s 90 minute restriction now.


Oh youā€™re right!

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Juuuust donā€™t have the dapper for that $999 Haliburton

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Haliburton sub $1k was my target. It just feels like an obvious deal to me, but idk.

Saw this on Discord, pretty neat live feed of buys/lists

10000% if it keeps MP operational

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so iā€™m ONLY gonna make 100ish ROI?


Yeah, I need to take back like 60% of my harsh reaction to this. 2 hours is ridiculous, but 10 minutes would be infinitely better than bots/spam clicking, like almost ideal.


my point was that i want this even if the MP is operational without it


I like it and Iā€™m with you but only have $850ish on dapper ;(

Yep agreed.