TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

So technically what broke, they could handle transactions across hundreds of thousands of moments but they couldn’t handle a lot more concentrated volume on a small number of moments?

They should just let anybody click on price for two minutes and raffle it off like the packs.


this is a okay solution for the problem of marketplace not working.

the fact that the marketplace is not working doesn’t make me very bullish on the future of this.

i do wonder what they did from june or whenever they launced till february.


I think they should have permanent restrictions on gifting fwiw
There is no good reason to gift more than 3 moments a day. Or just no gifting at all until KYC.

that is something that would discourage bots so they don’t have interest in that

Hahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha


i hope you got those drapes on layaway


no, most people who are buying SS’s are doing so for the challenge and now can only buy one every two hours. Most people selling SS’s are just dumping what they got in the pack for the $.

so I just got owned hard lol me

In other news, pokerstars reduces # of tables you can play from 24 to 4!

Why can’t they just add a CAPTCHA to the purchase page? Too simple? Need to blow up entire mp instead.

Roham is an idiot

Stars did this like a year ago though.

lots of people thought of better solutions than this for sure

I hope they mention me

They clearly can’t change anything else so why wouldn’t they keep them for awhile

I’ll bet you one a moment that it lasts a week+

mom: we have Kevin Durant at home





MAR 9, 2021 1:25 AM


i’m still grunching lol

i’m about to run in to some shit huh

Goofy we love you, you could never fail us. Even if you put some code that sends my moments to your bot.

So y’all buying this shit right? It’s about to be a fire sale like four hours after the market opens when people who have listed their good cards to high to sell have to watch prices tank while they can’t do shit.