TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

josh you hodling haliburton? I’m like somewhat less bullish on SS now but I’m not sure. Seems like free-est money will be at sniping mispriced rising stars by newbs. Like there’s 375 Curry SS’s out there again and these would seem to be snap buys too but less so than a day ago or whenever the last time the mp was up.

im 100% selling before the challenge ends. just not sure when (or which challenge). Haliburton is used for the Zion challenge that comes after the Edwards challenge. So whether to sell before the Edwards challenge ends or the Zion ends is up in the air. I’m not sure how some of the people like OTM create graphs that show % completion on the challenge, that may be the best indicator to use on when to sell. Like maybe selling when like 40-50% of people have completed the challenge could be a good plan, idk

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I for one am really enjoying this downtime


maybe we could try and research # of people who completed a similar challenge. The holo is obviously too much $$$ to compare, and the coolcat i believe is too little.

Are you guys going to do the Durant challenge? I have 7/12 right now. Including Zion and Harden. Wondering if it would be worth it.

more press for topshot and no one can use the mp lol. but at least signups are open. im still bullish :clown_face:

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i am but i have no idea if it will be profitable. I figure since i’m basically all KD and LBJ moments it makes sense for me to go for these challenges since I think their moments are going to be the most valuable ones to own if this thing ever takes off

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I have 4 I think right now, I don’t know if I get a bunch of them cheap maybe–the last two challenges backfired hard on people who got them.

It takes a lot of time and cross-referencing to piece this together which is somewhat different from identifying bots. However, like with bots, I don’t want to post publicly after I’ve done the work and get hijacked by the same idiots who were calling you a bot.

Also, we know they don’t have the manpower to properly address any of this right now. They are practically begging people to apply for these jobs. In the interim, they should just gift us the account values and we’ll continue finding the ZeeJustins and botrings for them.


i think they only backfired on people who bought later on though. Like coolcats was worth if you bought the stuff early. There’s a runway period where fomo builds and people try and buy the last moments they need. we saw yesterday that only like 5% of people have the 12 moments they need so far.

it would be interesting if we could know what prices the coolcat stuff was trading at when only 5% of the people had completed the challenge. probably can look back in time on twitter to get an idea

I’m pretty sure that buying all the cool cat cards including the AD right now is cheaper than any point during the challenge. Herro is down to 130. People here were like oh no I only got 200.

Hmmm. I think I’ll try and get the challenge filled for cheap and actually HODL if it doesn’t moon, and just sell them individually if they do moon. I feel bullish that the scarcity in the market from people doing the challenge might make them moon though.

yeah but the entire market is down now so that isn’t a fair comparison. You need to compare the cost of buying the coolcat stuff at 5% completion, to selling all the coolcat stuff immediately after the challenge ends. Not buying coolcat stuff at 5% completion and holding forever

Was it worth it or not, the answer is clearly no. GTFO out of here with that drivel.

There’s 2 different strategies I’m trying to differentiate between.

  1. Buying the challenge stuff to get the reward card early, then selling everything after you get the reward card for Dapper dollars.
  2. Buying the challenge stuff to get the reward card early, then holding everything and continuing to hold until now.

The strategy 1 ended up being a lot better than strategy 2 and that’s my plan for KD & Labron (sell everything but KD/LBJ)

like there was obviously a window here where you could have made money but I agree probably 99% of people didn’t make money. You had to buy early and then sell right away.

Anyways i’m not trying to say the KD/LBJ reward gonna be worth it. Odds are they probably aren’t. But i’m just trying to copy what seemed to work for coolcat challenge and replicate. Worst-case at least I get a gamble on a KD and LBJ moment. Obviously if the market continues to drill downwards it was a very bad move

I’m gambling they go back up for the challenge too but who knows at this point. I’ll either go for it or dump them before it ends obviously.

okay I see your argument, dumping everything before it tanks is what you’re saying, idk some of those cool cats went ridic high, probably was still better to not go for it.

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Another thing is when making public accusations, you have to be precise, define terms, and choose words carefully. If you mess up even slightly people will tend to discredit all of it. When we say “botting” here, we’re using it as a blanket term that could describe a wide range of activities. For example, the main thing that I think they are doing to win on time would probably more accurately be described as an exploit.


Yea per the graph the absolute best play was to buy all the coolcats on Feb 20th and sell them on Feb 23rd at the peak, but that’s pretty hard to time the top. Anytime you sold before the AD though looks like it made you more money than going for the AD if you bought on Feb 20, unless you maybe sold IMMEDIATELY and has some people buy not realizing a dump was coming

I’ll try looking at the graphs but it seems like there should be less of a premium on low but not omg low serial challenge cards if most of the buyers want them just for the challenge. Although it would be kinda neat if low serial challenge cards increased your chances of a low serial reward.


The only recent challenge that was worth completing was the Luka CC. And even it was initially a loss. The Luka only shot to in value when they announced that the next CC drop was 10k thus ensuring the Luka would be the limiting factor for the Master Challenge.

I do think there is a chance this happens for the Durant challenge - if he is needed for the LBJ challenge. Lots of people who have the LBJ team cards will be desperate for the Durant. Of course if this doesn’t happen, the Durant challenge will almost certainly be another money loser.