TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats

Probably the time when Sam Grizzle punched a guy in the face for asking too many questions.


Bah just doubled up Barry, AK > TT aipf. The ace came on the turn and there was much discussion about how it didn’t come on the river. Barry said “I’m a little impatient these days” lol.

Back down to 30k, time to grind

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You should ask the robin hood of poker to give your chips back imo.


I don’t think there is any reason to believe what you are doing is any better or worse than 3 squares a day (vs 2 larger meals plus snacks). Assuming, of course, we’re keeping macros constant and just altering meal timing.

Yeah, what likely kills the plan is the calorie count and macros of the snacks much more than the timing.

2nd break, I got a double up when I shoved a 15 outer, but bled back down to 34k so still some work to do. Barry busted a player on the last hand of the level, nut boat vs under boat. Breaking news, he plays very well, and tight.

Now I’m wondering if I should have folded tens to him, since his range is strong and I don’t think he’s ever getting out of line. Weak player minraised to 2k, I made it 6k with red tens, Barry shipped for ~25k, I was playing ~60k at the time. Since it ended up being a flip, I’m not gonna worry about it too much, but I imagine TT isn’t doing well vs his cold 4b all in range. For example, I don’t think he ever has AQs there.

3rd break, registration closes with 4391 entrants, so I think that gives us around 7k with Sunday to go. We need just over 11k to hit the guarantee, so I think it’ll cover that.

I’m up to 51k, won a preflop allin with kings and lost one.


Barry once played two WSOP events at once. I think TJ should be able to handle it if need be.

Gogogogogo. What do you play down to tonight?

22 levels or 15% of the field left, whichever is last. Just finished level 10

Pretty sure K7 is auto push anywhere with that low of BB. Especially if there are antes. You’re better off picking tight people to push on earlier imo and smart players will be calling you with a very wide range if they know that you know but you need to double up soon. Even if you wake up with a great hand they have decent odds and unless they short stacked are not going to lose much. If you double up you have more power to steal and if you lose screw it imo.

ETA: I haven’t even played a lot of tournaments the last few years but when I have I always still see some hold out finally get AA or KK or something but he’s so short stacked people call him just because and then he’s out lol.

Thinking out loud here but like if it’s short stack tourney even if you have AA you want to just steal the blinds without a showdown imo when they start getting significant. Stealing blinds is so important. Deep stack tourney poker obv. different.

Jonathan Little has K7s a push at 5bb and a fold at 6bb UTG, so not everywhere. I got a lot better at tournaments when I make a choice to stay disciplined and not say screw it and shove with low standards when short stacked.

So everywhere but UTG? My memory was barely off from several years ago. Sweet!

I got a lot deeper in tournaments when I realized waiting for hands is for losers and you need to steal blinds relentlessly and be willing to lay down to blind defending aggression. The other way is literally the TJ Cloutier book on tourneys.

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If it changes anything, it was 6 big blinds K5s from the hijack 10 handed.

Got moved off Barry’s table, it was really cool to play with him


In deep stack poker hands develop and things. In tournament poker with huge blinds increasing every hand is a literal fight for the blinds.

I’d push K5suited all day there unless one of the following players are total maniacs and huge stacked calling anyone and maybe then even because I know they might call with worse.

In STTs: ICM and equity changes by stealing blinds just once on bubble are a perfect example.

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I don’t even get the argument against here tbh. The blinds are significant to him as a short stack and everyone in cash NL opens K5s there anyway. Well, except for like Brucez I guess. But there, the blinds would help TJ a ton and he has an opening hand in NL cash games. Being that the blinds are more important in tourneys especially when shortstacked, this is an easy push imo. The blinds there in a tournament are very important. He can’t buy back in. Oh wait, he can the next day with a full stack. Even more reason to push there imo.

Sorry TJ, back to your shenanigans! Good luck!

Made the dinner break, with a workable stack! I’ll have 191k coming back to 5k/10k. Real happy with my play the last 4 levels.

I checkraised 1/3 of my stack with KT on Tc 7c 3d, then a tight player came over the top and I tank folded. It was with that piece of information I finally figured out a sizing tell on that player, but of course the table broke soon after.

SB shoved 11bb and I called with A7o in the big blind for my tournament life, he had Q5o (lol) and I held. I opened AK, a blind flatted, and shipped 8 bb on Qh 6h 6d, I called, he had A8o and I held.

Knockouts were coming fast and furious the last two levels, I imagine it’ll be more of the same when we come back.


You left out an important detail. Really the most important detail.

What’s for dinner?

For shame…. Turkey bacon club, fries and a chicken quesadilla for $35

The Uber/taxi line was CRAZY

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