TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats



Yea I gotta imagine he’s not fucking around with that shove

Where from?

He’s not paying for the food. He’s paying not to wait.

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Should have bought some snacks to tide him over on his grocery run.

that’s how they get you

Once you get your fill of tournament poker (1 a year is plenty for me) post up at a real casino so you can at least get good meals while getting price gouged. Playing cash at Aria with Carbone, Lemongrass, Javier’s and Bardot is pretty good IMO.


I’d rather walk to Del Taco or Sonic than pay for overpriced food from the Rio Sports Deli.

Omfg…. Busted 673rd when the bubble is 670

I had 5.5 big blinds on the button holding 66, a loose player raised, I shipped, he had AQ and hit not one but two aces


Definitely not feeling a nightcap cash poker session tonight.

Football tomorrow, then maybe the Nugget to play some uncapped 1/2

Bring a bottle home, drink until you black out, play poker when you wake up until football starts.

gg but for future stuff that is 100% fold 3 to the money.


That short, 3 from the money vs an opener, I’m probably playing QQ, but I wouldn’t like it.

heh I was wondering when everyone was gonna say something

if you’re going for the win it’s a shove, if you’re playing to maximize money it’s a snap fold with no fold equity. A lot of his junk still has to call and is two overs.

What really sucks is the decent chance the pot isn’t heads-up.

doesn’t really matter, flipping with 3 till the money is a disaster anyway in cashing terms. It’s not that decent, he’s on the button and we’re on the bubble. Odds one of the blinds joins is fairly low.

A shove vs an open? Sure if it’s folded around to you OTB but you have 0 FE and are maybe behind most ranges depending on their stack size.

You’re probably literally 1 hand until the bubble bursts.

I’d probably fold even if not close to the bubble, but little pairs suck aipf if there’s a decent chance of multi-way.

Who folds otb if folded to in this spot?

Anyways, I looked at the leaderboard and saw an interesting name to root for.