TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats

it is a profitable shove, but i always find these questions kinda overrated. You are playing so far from optimal (not in a bad sense, we all do) and this is your recreational fun. The difference in your overall EV between shoving K5s and not shoving K5s isn’t big enough. In my view sacrificing a tiny bit of equity is fine if you are more comfortable waiting.

(that said, you can also download a push/fold chart and look at your phone and play accordingly in these situation)


I do like the idea of a ten-handed HJ


Not a tournament guy, but my sense is that it’s close enough to neutral that it is probably a push with antes but might be a fold without antes (but I think WSOP has antes at level one) or on the bubble.

It’s more of a shove if you’re willing to re-enter, I think.

K5s is a rip in the HJ at equilibrium, but in live tourneys, when you are on a really short stack like that, targeting players who will make terrible folds in the BB can be more important than your hand.

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In general live players overfold so that means one should actually shove wider than equilibrium.
Now the corollary is that when called you will be solidly behind so it makes one look silly when our K5s gets tank called by 99 and we lose.

I haven’t played a tournament in Vegas since before smartphones.

Are there any rules about bolded?

Precedent seems to be that you can look at it so long as you are not in a hand.

Was in line for “only” about an hour and a half. While I was waiting in line, a completely average looking guy came up and started chatting with another player in line, and his name tag said “Kevmath: Social Media Promoter.” I say, “are you THE Kevmath?” He replied, “Well I’m sure there’s no FAKE Kevmath running around here!” I told him I have over 13k posts on 2p2, and he said it’s always nice to meet people from the forums, though he didn’t recall my username. I don’t post much in NVG, so I don’t fault him for not recognizing me. I told him I’d pm a link to this thread, and we had a very pleasant chat about 2p2.

Since I didn’t come to Vegas to wait in lines for almost 4 hours, when I registered for Flight 2, I also went ahead and registered for the Monday $600 deepstack event. I decided that if I bust the Reunion tomorrow, I won’t fire a third bullet on Sunday. If I bag a Day 2 stack and miss the deepstack event, I can get a full no-show refund as long as I don’t check in.

So no matter how tomorrow goes, I’m hanging out downtown and watching football on Sunday.


Since I was getting hungry, I decided to try the Korean barbecue place on my list, Hobak. I called ahead and asked if I needed a reservation, they said they don’t take reservations anyway, so I said great, I’ll be right over.

Hop in an Uber, and head to Chinatown, which is a pretty cool enclave of the city. Get there, walk in, ask for a table, and they say it’s a 30-40 minute wait. Fucking hell, you couldn’t have told me that detail on the phone?!? It was doubly infuriating because the place smelled INCREDIBLE, like every kind of grilled meat you can imagine, and I was pretty hungry. As annoying as that was, I think I still want to try the place, just for the smell that hits you right when you walk in.

Fortunately, it’s right in the middle of Chinatown, and there’s approximately eleventy billion Asian places in endless strip malls. So I wander around the parking lot for a bit, and decide on “Nanay Gloria: Filipino Fast Food.” I DEFINITELY wasn’t in the mood to wait.

It has a buffet set up, and immediately my eyes were drawn to this pork dish:

And this beef dish

I liked the beef more, but they were both good.

So I get those two and rice, and I’m looking over the drinks and was about to just get a Gatorade, but then I saw a bunch of weird drinks I’d never seen before. The key to enjoying dining in Vegas is to get something you can’t get back home, so I got this Thai Chai Tea.

I wouldn’t say I loved it, but it wasn’t bad, and definitely different. It had a flavor and aftertaste kinda like a strong tea, but a thicker, milky, creamy texture I could only describe as similar to an Ensure protein shake. Definitely different, I’m glad I tried it.

And since everyone’s so concerned about how much I’m spending on food, it all was $13.90


Oh for sure. I told him his Twitter is a must follow for breaking news in the poker world, he’s like Schefter or Woj for poker. He modestly says he just aggregates what other people tell him. I told him his role is much more important than that. I know he’s been involved forever, it was great to meet him


As I’m finishing up my dinner, I check out the wait lists on Bravo. I can’t stay out super late because we start at 10 tomorrow, but I also just can’t let a Friday night during WSOP pass without taking a shot somewhere. Aria’s list was like 40+, and Venetian wasn’t much better, but the Wynn didn’t look too bad, so I called in and got on the list there for 2/5. When I got there I was first on the list, so that worked out great. This will be a shorter session, so I set a strict midnight bedtime.

They started a new 2/5 table, so I bought in for one bullet for $900. In the first orbit, I pick up Qc Tc in the SB. Folds to button, who has me covered and opens $15. Since we’re deep and I want to establish an image, I make it $50, he calls.

Flop smashes me, Qh Th 4d, so I continue for $65. He raises to $165. Well then. Flop this wet, there’s no need for subtlety, it’s bombs away. I wait a moment, and slide out my stack of greens to make it $565. He rolls his eyes, mutters something, and calls.

As the dealer’s raking the pot, I pick up and hold my remaining stack in both hands, intending to put the rest in on any turn, which happens to be the Ks. He tosses in one chip, and the river is the Ac. I show, he shrugs and turns up Jh 4h.

Nice hand, good luck everybody, and I guess it’s bedtime for me.

Oh well, tomorrow’s a new day.


I don’t know why but a heart would have been ok way to lose but the ace makes me barf.

Per Bruce’s fantastic advice, I downloaded the Yelp app to check out stuff that’s near me. I’m glad I went and checked out Peppermill, but y’all are right. Taking a $15 Uber to spend $37 on breakfast isn’t sustainable.

I found a well-rated little breakfast cafe just around the corner from me, and it was perfectly cromulent. I’m a pretty simple straightforward person when it comes to breakfast, this is what I got:

This was $26, so a little bit better.

Now on to the Rio, to play good and run even better!

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Not sure I could find breakfast for less than $10 around here, and that’s before taxes/tip.

I know it’s not the healthiest, but I tend to eat two big meals a day with some snacks mixed in instead of three normal meals per day


I appluad your use of cromulent in normal conversation. Its not nearly used enough.


It is not impossible to find a modest $10 breakfast in downtown Vegas.

Barry Greenstein just sat at my table two to my left! How cool is that


video of lol donkaments or it didn’t happen

First break…. Started out super cold, literally did not win 1 pot until the last hand of the 2nd level. Got as low as 30k, then I started making some hands. I made a flush and got 2 streets, then I turned a set of kings in a 3bet pot, and now I’m sitting on 65k.

I asked Barry what’s his favorite story about an old school or tv pro, and he just kinda gave a non answer. Probably annoying to have a jackwagon like me ask all the same questions any time you sit down at a table.