TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats

Once again, I’m overwhelmed with the notion that everyone in this place is more attractive and has more money than you.

Only one table of 1/3 running, but I’m first on the list


So the 1/3 game broke practically as soon as I joined, and after ALL that talk about only sitting in good games, and not risking too much on the first night, the only game going is a 2/5.

I’m kinda stuck because I need to kill time until check in! … this may have been poorly planned.

Anyway, in for 800, currently up a couple hundred, we’ll see where this goes


Sounds like a spot to go get breakfast and drink greyhounds until check-in. Which, btw, excellent drink choice.

great, now I want breakfast and vodka

Pretty interesting sequence of hands…. I’ve been active at this table and straddle button for 10 with Ts 8s. One limp from MP, bb completes, I go 40 more, bb folds limper calls.

Flop 7c 7d 2h, he checks, I bet 55. He looks like he doesn’t believe me and calls.

Turn As, he checks again. I figure that’s a better card for me than him, so I go 80. He thinks and folds.

Two hands later, button straddles, same guy limps, I go 35 with red 7’s, Button folds, Sb calls, limper calls.

Flop Td 8h 3c, it checks to me. I feel like it’d be out of line for me to cbet here, so I check back.

Turn Ts, SB checks, MP guy quickly and emphatically bets 60. I think a minute and call, SB folds.

River 9h, he bets 110. I tank and call, my hand is good vs Ad Qd



LOL, this is a terrific opening scene for your screenplay/short story based on this trip!

In any case I just came down from the roof cleaning gutters so win or lose you’re still a boss.


Call it “Vegas Knights” and maybe you can sell it for $10k after it wins awards.


I was getting really angry with myself. I’d been looking forward to this trip for months, I had all these rules I was gonna stick to about bankroll management, playing in good games, and not playing too long.

So I get in the only game running at the Wynn at 4 in the morning, a 2/5 1500 cap with competent, aggrieved players, AND I’m stuck here because I don’t have a bed for 12 more hours.

Starts out well, chipping up steadily, bust a shortstack with a strong top pair, etc. I was at +1100 at my high water mark, but with nowhere else to go and nothing to do and nothing open, I kept playing in a not great game.

Then things turn for the worse. 3bet out of the blinds and homey defends with 54o and makes a straight. Then this hand comes up:

Tight/passive guy raises 15 UTG, button calls, I make it 70 with red kings, UTG calls button folds.

Flop 7c 5c 2c. I bet 85… he raises to 200, I… call?

Turn 7h, I check, and he rips it in for 900ish. I was playing 1100ish total at the time. I think FOREVER. He’d definitely 4bet AA, and I didn’t think he’d do that with a worse overpair and a club. If he had a naked Ac, I didn’t think he’s the type to overbet semibluff his entire stack. That leaves flopped flushes or full houses, so I agonize and lay it down. I probably call with black kings.

He later told me he had 66 with a club and was making a move. Nice hand SIR.


Yea is that a COVID era change? Permanent? It’s insane that one of the main Vegas strip casino poker rooms wouldn’t be open 24/7/365.

That’s wild. I was looking forward to some of the smaller rooms being packed. I guess they don’t have the staffing? Or are not expecting the volume? In any case I don’t have much poker funds or time even to play at the moment, but I may play a tournament or two.

So now I’m back to around even, thoroughly disgusted with myself, and nowhere to go. I convince the worst two players at the table to do some shots (at 7 am on a weekday…. Lol Vegas) so the game isn’t TERRIBLE. But the day shift regs are starting to arrive, they buy in deep, and seem very competent.

I triple AA and get a fold on the river…. Then I check twice to induce a bluff vs the same guy in a later hand and he obliges. So now I’m sitting on about 1400, and I make my score.

10 straddle UTG, +1 makes it 20, MP calls, I call with 7s 7d, button and straddler call.

Flop 9h 7h 6d. Straddler bets 20, MP calls, I make it 100 straight. Button, a weak and tilting player stuck piles, cold flats. Original raiser folds, then MP…. Ships in about $1300?!?!?

I had seen him make spazzy over bets before, like 300 dollar cbets at 90ish pots with an overpair, etc. I thought there’s a zero percent chance he flats a flop downbet with T8 with a flop texture that wet, likewise for 85. So therefore, I feel like he’s gotta be draw heavy here, and anyway, WTF I’m not folding a set to a guy who I’ve seen make spazzy over bets. So I call for barely more, button only had about 550 back and he folds (lol).

Runout A, T, no heart, we roll our hands over at the same time, and he had 66. Button goes ballistic because he folded an 8. Sick game.

It’s about noon, and I’m hungry anyway so I rack up shortly thereafter.

7.5 hours played, a quarter short of up two dimes!


Where’s lunch going to be?

Also, do you have wheels or you gotta uber everywhere?

Sooooo, speaking of resolutions and best laid plans, I just finished wolfing down an overpriced and underwhelming burger in the casino. I WOULD have taken an Uber to any of the many places on my list, but my luggage is still sitting at the Wynn valet because I haven’t checked in yet, so I didn’t want to leave.

If you were wondering, this is what a 26 dollar burger (and 5.25 coke) looks like at the Wynn:

So. Now I’m gonna see if I can check into my place

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ETA: Shang is just down the street from the Rio a few miles. So if you’re near there it’s worth taking an Uber to it.

26 dollars?!

You could have wasted more time and paid less for food walking across the street to the Fashion Show Mall. Unless you like buying $26 burgers. You could get a lobster roll for around the same price, for example.


Not even trying with the fries, either. Those are bagged fries from the freezer aisle!

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There will be better meals this trip. I promise.

Sometimes I wish I were the kind of person who if I received that burger I just chucked it at the wall and left without paying.