TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats

Seems like if you’re going to apply this level of scrutiny you should have the actual facts on hand. Especially when a front line worker with a fraction of your resources is taking their own time to share their experience with all of us.


What’s your answer to my question?

Play at one of the other 6 casinos here likely.

It’s also different going to a place just owned by a deplorable. Nobody can avoid all places owned by deplorables. The Venetian (was) owned by one of Trumps and the GOPs largest contributors. That’s a different thing.

Anyway, no need to continue this derail. Sounds like it’s no longer an issue.

On another note, games that allow cash to play are so dumb. It only leads to a 10,000% increase in “how much you got” game delays. :grin:

They also play tighter in my experience because people see real money and not abstracted chips.


How many times have you played at the Golden Nugget?

Think only a couple times.

I hate you

100% agree. And opens the door to all kinds of other issues and angles. Pretty sure cash doesn’t play in Vegas anymore thankfully.

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I made this in anticipation of any real excitement this weekend, but it looks like it’s not needed (yet).

I was unable to find a picture of a homeless guy throwing up in a dumpster behind the El Cortez.



Called ahead to get on the list for 3/5…. They’re limited with dealers AND tables because of their tournament today. Number 8 on the list and there’s only 1 table running right now with 15 on the list, hopefully they start a new table soon.

I called ahead to Bouchon around 11 am, they said their earliest availability was 1:30, so I just went to the cafe around the corner for breakfast.

It plays at the Nugget

Puke…. Red kings in my button straddle for 10, folds to SB who limps, I make it 40, SB makes it 110, I make it 275, he rips for 900, I snap.

First 4 cards off the deck are clubs, A9off is way good

Reload full, let’s do this

Seems like a good game! Keep going.


So after that fuckstain did me dirty, he proceeded to go into lockdown the next 4 hours. I reloaded, took some swings, and was -1500ish at one point. Then he left with all that money, and around dinner time, new action players came to fill the empty seats. I got a monster double up when my flopped set filled up on the river to crack a flopped straight. Then it became a great, very splashy, deep stacked game.

I was as high as +1500ish, but I never played the deep, game ending pot with either of the two spots. I had played for 11.5 hours, and was feeling unfocused, so I quit a $720 winner. Not trying to let “perfect” be the enemy of good.

I knew the Grand Lux Cafe is 24 hours, so I sauntered over there at around 1 am and asked for a table. They said it was about an hour wait, all while there were empty tables all throughout the restaurant. I guess staffing challenges affects everything in service/hospitality.

So, for shame, I threw my Uber driver ten bucks to hit the McDonalds drive thru. No pictures, because we all know what a quarter pounder with cheese looks like.

As penance, I’m determined to hit that Korean Barbecue place I wanted to try. Gonna head over there during lunch on a Monday when it’s hopefully not too busy.


Woke up to a message from NotBruceZ asking if I wanted to get together for some Korean barbecue. I said sure, let me get ready and I’ll meet you over there.

We met at Hobak Korean BBQ, which is in Chinatown and is the highest rated Korean BBQ spot on the Las Vegas Eater food blog. Looking over the menu, im glad I went with NBZ, because I had absolutely no idea what I was looking at or what I should get.

They have combo meals for 2, 3, or 4 for a flat fee, and you get to try a little bit of everything, which sounded good to me. So we got the combo for two, which was beef brisket, pork belly, pork jowl, and beef bulgogi. It’s a lot of food for $90 allin, definitely the best way to experience a place like this rather than picking stuff a la carte.

We started with what I call the pre-meat spread:

Clockwise from 7 o’clock is the macaroni salad. I wasn’t cheesy and it wasn’t mayonnaise-y like a potato salad, it was sweet and tasted kinda like vanilla. I liked it.

Then there was the steamed eggs. They apparently steam it in an oven instead of cooking it on a skillet, so they were super fluffy.

Next is a regular salad, the dressing tasted somewhere between ranch and Italian.

At 12 o’clock there’s a bean and tofu stew that was pretty good. The broth tasted similar to a slightly spicy minestrone.

At 1 o’clock there’s a bean sprout salad, it was fine…. And crunchy.

At 2 o’clock there was some kind of pancake. It tasted like a pancake… not much to add.

At 3 o’clock was kimchi, or pickled cabbage. I wasn’t used to kimchi being red…. But it was good.

At 4 o’clock near the grill was some sort of fish cake.

At 6 o’clock was some kind of pickled radish and soy based dipping sauce, I didn’t like it too much.

In the middle on the grill was cheese that was melting, for dipping.

I made sure to try at least some of everything. I liked each thing to varying degrees, glad I got to try a bunch of new and different stuff.

Now, we get to the meats.

Each table has a grill in the middle and they cook everything at your table (which explains the incredible smell that hits you as you walk in).

First was the beef brisket. That’s melted cheese for dipping at the bottom, and yams and sweet potatoes on the side.

Next they threw on the pork belly, which is real thick and takes a minute to cook evenly.

While that was working, she threw on the pork jowl:

And once those finished, she cut it up into bite sized pieces.

I liked the pork belly more than the pork jowl… seemed more flavorful (read: fat).

Last to go on was the beef bulgogi, which was my favorite course of the whole trip. She grilled it with some kind of green that tasted like arugula and added flavor to the beef, which was super tender and crumbley.

Somehow I got it to fit in mah belly, it was excellent.

Then they asked us if we were ready for dessert, and I said I don’t think I need dessert right now. Then they said no it’s included! It’s an ice cream sandwich where the pieces are made of rice cakes. You can pick strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, or cookies n cream…. Since I’m a gigantic 4-year old, I went with cookies n cream.

Took a bite before I remembered to snap a pic:

I’m really glad I was able to go with NotBruceZ, because he was knowledgeable about everything. I had never been to a Korean BBQ place like this…. It was definitely a unique and memorable dining experience. For sure don’t go alone, and you might have difficulty getting a table for dinner, so go for lunch.

But definitely don’t miss this place, it was fantastic!


I’ve been to a similar place but you cooked the stuff yourself. That sucked, ended up burning it. I prefer when the experts do the cooking.

does he look like this?




Is that someone I should know?


I had NBZ being white at -450,000