TJ plays a ton of poker in Vegas for WSOP! ...And occasionally eats

I feel like this actually is a very valuable lesson and if this thread made it stick, then TJ’s chicken parm wasn’t a total disaster.

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Man,…damn, actually I kinda like this-y’all are tough graders. I’m looking at the garlic bread going man, that looks alright. But, I get it—u want better.

The cheese on top just doesn’t look right, but I’ve eaten at Binion’s Cafe and I’d rather eat there than have similar food on the Strip at Strip prices.

Wow, a 100 posts and it’s mostly a debate about shoving 66 vs an opener when very short on the bubble.

I just donk around the very occasional MTT/donkament and have a sense of ranges but certainly don’t study but I would agree that’s a clear fold. There can’t be any real additional “deep” run equity by shoving here vs waiting? Shove 66 sure but having at very best a flip and real possibility of an over pair or blind action has got to put us enough below a flip to make it no good for any purpose?

Cliffs-lol what brings the comments. That hand or what’s for dinner. Enjoying but this is dangerously close to neither epic nor disaster. TJ needs to up the drama. I want to be entertained. :grin:

Ask and you shall receive

-1k at Wynn 2/5. Raised flop and he turned trips, then I flopped a 2nd place flush

If this goes off the rails I’m sure everyone will love the drama!

Deepstack event tomorrow. I think it’s a format that suits my strengths as a card player, so we’ll see


I don’t think you understand. On end is a bracelet. On the other end is waking up in a tub of ice with a surgical scar on your lower back. Everything in between is zzzzzzzzz.

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If I don’t see some hand motherfucking pulled noodles from Shang in this thread soon I’m going to throw a fit.


And some garlic prawns from Lotus. Give the people what they want, TJ!

(And good luck in the deepstack)

Lotus will happen


Got a good night’s sleep, shower and a shave, and a good breakfast from the same cafe around the corner. Feeling great for what will hopefully be a long day! Playing 22 levels today, then down to a winner tomorrow.

Let’s gooooo!



No punting!

If you are 3 to the money with 5.5 bb and 66 facing an open - fold this time. gogo


First break…. Don’t know why they call this a deepstack event, we only start with 30k (Reunion was 50) and the only difference is that there’s a 100/100 level in this one.

Minor misstep early, when I raised river with what I thought was a good bluff spot, but he immediately came over the top so I guess he had the flush I was trying to represent. Then I got a full double when my AA held vs top pair and a gutshot, then I got another full double when I raised with KK and got it in on a K high flop against a slowplayed AA.

So I’m chip leader at my table sitting on almost 72k, I’ve been trying to play pretty tight since then.



Don’t a lot of the lesser events at the WSOP start with tiny chip stacks?

It used to depend on the buyin and be a straight formula just based on that but I’ve been so out of it I can’t remember exactly.

Yeah, likewise. I just remember hearing that some events started with like 1,500 chips or stuff like that. Its all relative I guess, but still.

For a while it was just straight buyin equals amount of chips. That was before adding the events under $1k buyin though.

2nd break, lost a flip QQ > AK, then won a preflop all in KK > AJ, then flopped a set of nines and stacked somebody. Sitting on 91.6k, but there are 4 more stacks that are on my level.

I feel really bad for the old, fat, slow, inexperienced dealers we’ve had. I’m in the 1 seat so I’m paying close attention to making change, getting pots right, and stopping him from rolling cards out of turn. I’m also studiously protecting my hand and keeping him from mucking it when I’m not ready. Selfishly, we weren’t getting a lot of hands that level, but I could tell the guy was really struggling with arthritic hands.

It is what it is


Busted the next to last hand before the 3rd break, level 12. Went in the wrong direction all 4 levels. Flopped a pair, and turned two pair on a 3 heart flop, played it fast to protect my hand, and ran into the slowplayed nuts. Lost two streets with 99 on a Q73-2-6 runout to KQ, doubled up a shortstack when A3o > 66, stuff like that. Went broke when the chip leader opened, I ripped 11 bb with 44 from the button, and the big blind woke up with AA.

But you’ll never guess who was at my table!