When I first heard the JMT song, I thought it was a clarinet with the cello…then I looked it up and was once again (and always) blown away by what Bobby McFerrin can do with his voice.
Yeah I was referencing the J. Dilla pick. I would have bet my entire net worth that you made that pick. Especially with the commentary and sample clip haha.
Also, I had been looking for rap songs for this category, then wanted to find a clip of the jedi mind trick from episode 4 to shitpost on facebook, and this came up in the sidebar. And that’s how I found a walrus winner. So thanks weird Youtube algorithm!
THat flip is ridiculous. It’s not only evidence of Dilla’s GOAT technical proficiency but also a testament to his insane record collection of obscure breaks and having command over them.
Sure, alot of the lyricism is cheesy in hindsight but the production speaks for itself. They flexed so many classic breaks on “Paul’s Boutique” you could have made 10 albums with that record. You would almost have to dislike soul music not to appreciate it.
Using live instruments with sample based production also elevates them in the power rankings. They are also a pretty solid funk/jam band before you even get to pushing buttons. And a competent hardcore punk band.
Of course, they would get love from me just for making a punk song about basketball. @Lawnmower_Man They must be soft in Boston.