Tilted's Walrus - Reveal Time

Some brass instruments that potentially use a wooden reed are woodwind. Saxophone for example.

This says only flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon.

saxophone is absolutely woodwind

Yeah that makes sense. I thought sax was too.

But I gave a cursory listen to a song that I thought had only violins. I wasn’t talking about sax.

Sax and Violins is a lower-tier Boogie Down Productions record. KRS-ONE, but not at his best. I know @Trolly feels me on this one.

Sax is definitely a woodwind

source: played the sax in jr. high/HS. Sat with woodwinds. Also was excluded from anything in college because my college only had a drum and bugle corps, which is percussion and brass, and an orchestra, which is too snobby for saxophones

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If you think I am going to be a stickler about if something is classified by the National Woodwind Association of the World, then you are wrong. The spirit of the pick is more important.

Skimmed through and I barely recognized any songs from a glance. Can’t wait to dig in.

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Listening to some of these submissions made me wish doom would arrive already.

Some songs I would consider submitting for category 2.

I’m going for perfect 1s across the board.

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Hmmmmm. I have a feeling my joker is going to hit hard. Cant wait for cat 2 reveal. We got an approximate date @Tilted ?

Definitely a fail for me. I feel it.

Tilted, can you pick a more reasonable time for the next reveal? I’m 6 hours ahead of New York.

Today or tomorrow. Not sure if I can do an earlier reveal on this one bob but I’ll try to do it a couple of the others.

Category #2 reveal around 1:30 EST today.


Zomg. Like an hour from now.

Boy am I excite

And we are here!!!


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I swear to god if I see my name in the nodium I am just going to shut my computer off.

Category #2: 1. A song you would put on while waiting on impending doom.

There was a huge range of songs submitted for this one which makes sense due to it’s vagueness. It’s kind of hard to shit on any of these because what you want to feel before doom is different than me. I’ll be laying off the hatred on this one.

I had split the submissions into 3 tiers: Tier 3: Not for me. Tier 2: I sort of get it. Tier 1: Right on, man. Tier 3 had 3 songs (sorry). Tier 2 had 4. Tier 1 had 3.

Let’s kick this off with last place shall we?

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In 10th place with 1 point:

My idea of what I want to feel facing impending doom is the opposite of this. I’m looking for some sort of calmness or happiness not heartbeat racing parkour zombie killing. You do you though.
