Tilted's Walrus - Reveal Time

How are we looking for a randomization tonight @suzzer99?

I am ready for some Walrus

Dammit I forgot the last 2 days. You guys need to bug the crap out of me more. I’ll send song 1 now

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Category 1 is sent!


I’m really excited to get this started and hear what everyone chose! I’ll start listening at work tomorrow. Thanks again Suzzer.

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Oof, the more i listen to my pick for category 1, the more I think I made a mistake. I really liked it at first, but I’m not sure it’ll be your cup of tea the more I think about it.

oh well.

Good news for you is that I don’t even know if I know what my cup of tea is.

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Did everyone remember to send me their joker? I’m not sending that to tilted.

Btw category 1 is my joker.

I still need jokers from @sriracha and @superuberbob

I put “JOKER” under the category for the song.

Yes I got yours.

I was double checking my Joker and for some reason there isn’t a video attached to my 6th category pick. Incoming.

Just sent my joker to suzzer in PM.

I just listened to the first song of category 1 and you absolutely killed it. High hopes for the rest of them after this. Suzzer you don’t know this either but I didn’t stop from the top.

I don’t do a reveal until all categories are done right?

No way, reveal as you finish each category imo


Fine with me. We’ll do it that way!

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Dud alert! :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:

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lol, probably mine. I’m just not as well-versed in the world of hip-hip/rap as many of you seem to be. I found my song in a strange way, too :stuck_out_tongue:

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and the voices of Minnie are singing along it seems

@Lawnmower_Man dat solo, boyee. the 1st 1

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You mean start from the top? IE - I don’t know which song you’re talking about?