Tilted's Walrus - Reveal Time

So we can send now?

Iā€™ll match this. $50 to winnerā€™s charity. Great idea.


Unfortunately, I probably wonā€™t be able to make this.

I thought Iā€™d have a block of time last night, but something unexpected came up (nothing bad, something not conducive to finding good songs).

Iā€™ll be railing though, and it looks like youā€™ll have enough entrants. Have fun!

You just have to put ** before the URL and itā€™ll show the link

Oh shit gang, I am in

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Walrus entries were due last night on May 27th.

If you missed the submission date, then look on and despair.

eta: Suzzer said he canā€™t start anonymizing until next Wednesday, so you can prolly sneak them in before then.

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Submitted! Hoping not to come in last in my first walrus.

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fuck, i knew i forgot to do something today.

In my defense, I had a job interview this afternoon and that took most of my bandwidth today. fingers crossed!

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Good luck! You still have time.

I, for one, have taken advantage of the extra time and am now IN.


Itā€™s a walrus miracle!

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Submissions sent! Iā€™m still embarrassed that I failed to meet the deadline that I, myself, set.

Iā€™m not feeling great about a couple of the categories, but there are a few that are definitely winners.

I would have missed the deadline to if it want for @Pauwl ;)

Yeah, Iā€™m in basically because a few of the categories spoke strongly to songs I already knew and loved myself, and then surprisingly enough, they could fit (at least if I squinted a bit) with one or two of Tiltedā€™s stated faves. So, I feel good about those, but then the rest I fleshed out with some personal favorites that definitely fit the categories but that could go down in flames for any of a variety of reasons. So, in to finish exactly in the middle of the pack.

Iā€™m helping my dad move through Tuesday. I can get to the randomizing Wednesday.

So itā€™s not too late for anyone to submit.

Anyone that hasnā€™t submitted; get on it!

Try whosampled.com

pm me and I can give it a shot.

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Sampleception. Classic.

I am done with three days of helping my Dad pack and move. Sooooo glad thatā€™s over with. Do we have all the submissions? I should be able to randomize tomorrow.