The War on Voting

JAQ off somewhere else bro


That clearly they’ve done the math or they wouldn’t be doing it - just like Voter ID laws, shutting down precincts in minority areas, shutting down DMV offices, purging voter rolls, etc. etc. etc.

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Supreme Court: we are suspending oral arguments because of the Corona virus

Also Supreme Court: you must show up in person to vote


This is absolutely going to get people killed. Unconscionable.

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I stayed up too late and didn’t go vote until 9am.

The people at my polling location this morning were much younger than the usual poll working crowd, obviously. They had makeshift plexiglass cages around the tables like you’d find at a Little Caesars in the ghetto, but the two girls handing out “I Voted!” stickers were just chilling in lawn chairs next to the machine that eats the ballots. They couldn’t have been more than 16 or 17.

I was in and out in under 3 minutes, but there’s absolutely zero chance I’d have even gotten out of my car if there was a line even 1/5th as long as the one in that tweet above.

Out of curiosity, I did drive by two of the nearby Milwaukee polling locations. I honestly couldn’t believe that they’d only be able to find enough volunteers for 5 locations in the entire City. Both were indeed closed with signs on the door that I assume directed you elsewhere.

Our esteemed Lieutenant Governor said it best:

I live in Tucson and this does not seem accurate.



Fuck off.

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I really and truly cannot believe they’re actually going through with this election. Of all the stupid things that are happening right now in this stupid timeline, this is the most ridiculous.

Even Georgia postponed their primary. Even Georgia.

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When we finally overwhelm these people demographically and actually win all three branches of government we really should actively disenfranchise core GOP voters in the same ways they’ve disenfranchised ours. We can’t ever let old people dominate our politics again. It’s super dangerous.

I propose we make voting only possible with a smartphone app that is actually secure… which means that it requires some level of technical ability to access. That should reduce old people turnout pretty meaningfully. Something like making them register to vote on the app before voting opens and use a legit secure password with letters/numbers/symbols, 10 characters minimum, and no repitition. All the obvious stuff like Password123$ not allowed obviously. Literally ban the top 100 passwords in existence by use. Make password recovery a five+ step process.

If you’re too stupid to manage that… oh well voting is a privilege.


“Suburban” is pushing it. I can probably throw a nerf football from my front yard and have it land on the porch of an 8-family in the City of Milwaukee. That’s why I had a hard time believing they would actually shut down all the Milwaukee locations.

The SAHMs from Wauwatosa were able to suit up and sit behind their plexiglass today, I think it’s reasonable to assume there were plenty of able-bodied City workers who had nothing else going on today who could’ve looked up a name in a book and handed out ballots.

I don’t know what sort of conversations went on behind the scenes, but it sure seems like this was a punt on 2nd down and short. They’re keeping liquor stores open, but shutting down the polls? Makes no sense.

Who benefits from polls being down? It probably makes sense to them. And if they are alcoholics, then keeping liquor stores open makes sense. But what are the odds you have a bunch of alcoholics in Wisconsin?

Hannah Gleeson is a health care worker who lives in Milwaukee, is 17 weeks pregnant and recently tested positive for the coronavirus. She says she has voted in every election she has been eligible for — “I enjoy going in person. I like getting my sticker,” she said — but since contracting the virus she realized that going to a polling place would not be an option.

“I feel like especially right now, when there are so many things that can make you feel hopeless, voting is one of the only things that is still within your power,” Ms. Gleeson, 34, said.

So she requested an absentee ballot a week ago, well within the deadlines set by the state. But she never received one. When she saw that the U.S. Supreme Court had struck down an extension of the deadlines, she called the state elections commission.

“They kind of said, yeah, that really sucks, hopefully you’ll have better luck with the next election,” Ms. Gleeson said. She said that some friends in Milwaukee had also not received ballots: one who made a request on March 26, and another on March 9.

Now, Ms. Gleeson and her husband, who is not showing symptoms but is also isolating himself since Ms. Gleeson is sick, are not able to vote, or at least not able to do so without putting hundreds of people at risk. “I’ve always said that every vote matters, every vote counts, and it’s your one chance to have your voice heard,” she said. “And it’s now something that I really feel has been taken away from me, and my husband as well.”

“They kind of said, yeah, that really sucks, hopefully you’ll have better luck with the next election,”

  • John Roberts since 2005


I have a friend who lives in Green Bay. The entire city of over 100k people has only two polling locations open today. He has been in line for over 2 hours already and they are estimating another two hours before he gets to vote.


Go Pack Go

Any election results in yet?

Results won’t be reported until April 13th.

For those interested 4 hrs 32 min was his total wait time to vote.