The War on Voting

The actual downside of rampant disenfranchisement we actually experience now in this country is much much much worse than the the theoretical downside risk of not being able to exercise your right to not participate in society or whatever your vague fear is.

My fear is that government will attempt to compel me to vote. That’s not vague at all.

Do you hate that they make you wear a seatbelt?

They don’t. I chose to wear one despite not liking the law. I wore them before there was a law. (I am old)

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So what. They are systematically disenfranchising people all over this country, but sure, its more important to protect you from voting if you don’t want to.

And then you vote and then what? How are you harmed?

Would an “abstain” option alleviate your concern of being compelled to participate in democracy?

Did the Dems pass a bunch of voter ID laws I didn’t hear about? Did they purge voting rolls? What’d they do?

Americans oppose a central register for firearms because the government might use it against you. Telling the government your political affiliation? No big deal.
Well, at least, they surely will handle that data responsibly.

Nope, they share it with other organizations that you don’t even know about.

The majority of Americans actually support registering guns.

Not to the point of actually voting that way.

We’ve gone well past that to the governor issuing an executive order postponing the election and the state Supreme Court issuing a ruling that he can’t.

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This situation is truly absurd. Voting in the middle of a pandemic. I’m actually surprised they’re doing this and I’m basically never surprised by GOP depravity.

So, anyways, one of the things complicating the matter is that there are local elections taking place at the same time, including a hotly-contested Supreme Court race. The earliest that liberals can take the majority on the court is 2023 due to staggered elections. If the conservative wins, that gets pushed back to 2026.

If you lived in Wisconsin and hadn’t filed for an absentee ballot, would you show up to the polls tomorrow to vote because of the important judicial race or stay home?

  • Vote in person
  • Stay home and not vote

0 voters

I didn’t vote absentee and will be showing up tomorrow at 7am to give it a shot. If nobody’s home or it looks like I’m going to have to wait longer than 10 mins, I’m out.

I’ve received 4 robocalls on my landline in the 45 minutes I’ve been home to let me know the election is back on tomorrow.

Mostly going for the Supreme Court race, but I’ll vote Bernie for you while I’m there as well.

US Supreme Court just upheld the state Supreme Court 5-4. Cocaine Mitch wins again.



This is legit insane. The people they are disenfranchising didn’t even nominally do anything wrong. Usually there’s a “signature match” issue or the ID address doesn’t match or whatever bullshit they come up with. This is utter madness.

Voting is a fundamental right. In Lawbro speak, any infringement requires strict scrutiny, meaning the restriction must support a “compelling government interest” and be “narrowly tailored” to limit the restriction.

There is no conceivable harm (other than GOP political interests) that will result from counting absentee ballots for a few more days.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL lack of shame is the democracy bad guy cheat code.


What’s your take on the GOP interests being served by this?