The War on Voting

You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to be a landlord.

You’re just a fountain of constructive ideas that totally don’t feel like snarky one-liner trolling. Please bring this unique insight to every thread on the site.

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My sympathies lie with those who can’t afford rent kicked to the streets rather than those who won’t be making a couple hundred bucks as extra income.

Suzzer, you remind me of my wife. Being outraged that someone is theoretically okay w/ a .00000001% chance of you being collateral damage in the blowback from the legitimately oppressed while you collect thousands of dollars traveling the world during early retirement is PEAK privilege.

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Me too. I hate slumlords. But I don’t need to celebrate a landlord getting killed any more than I need to celebrate cops getting killed or see chiefsplanet celebrating skateboard guy getting killed.

Yeah I’m legit worried about getting killed for being a landlord in the new marxist utopia. That was definitely the point I was trying to make.

Can I care about my old landlord or does that make me an asshole too?


I’m in this now, I might as well just bring the whole house down on me. So fun. No idea why I open my mouth.

FWIW I think this is what I was responding to as much as tab.

I know we’re not the oppressors in this situation, but this is the exact language they use to justify violence against the group they don’t like. Substitute Muslims after a terrorist attack.

Honestly the whole thing was just a shot at Inso because fuck that guy

The landlord who got murdered was threatening to kick a man out of his house for not paying rent in the middle of the pandemic. To borrow from Chris Rock, I’m not saying he should of done it… but I understand… Assuming no family to fall back on, can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing. Making me homeless in these circumstances and denying my humanity is peak scumbag, why should I respect your humanity?

Oh now we’re doing details of the link tab posted? Ok.

In the Hartford killing, Thompson and King were roommates, too, making their living situation unique to other renters around the country who are bracing for mass evictions. But while all the details were not immediately known, the deadly dispute was over unpaid rent, the latter being a serious reality for many people.

It was unclear how late Thompson was with his rent. However, the Hartford Courant reported that King told police on July 25 that Thompson threatened him with a samurai sword when confronted about the unpaid rent. King was found beheaded in the home the very next day.

Let me get this straight. You have a psychopath as a roommate who ends up beheading you with a samurai sword. But you are the asshole in this situation for pushing your poor roommate to the brink? Do you think maybe just maybe, there might have been some other shit go down before the samurai sword came out? All roommates must remain frozen in place for the entirety of covid even if you think your roommate is insane and might kill you?

You guys are so far out in la la land it’s ridiculous. Pick better examples to rally around.

JFC this shit is getting on my last nerve.

And on the other BS - I never claimed I wasn’t lucky. I was born a white male in the US working class but not dirt poor. I happen to be very good at a skill that pays very well. I try to give back as much as I can. I’m hoping my book makes a tiny difference in attitudes towards the people of Latin America. The main reason I can (semi) retire early is no kids.

But you can just fuck right off if you think I’m not allowed to criticize celebrating murder - or call out anything else on this site I think is patently ridiculous - for fear of checking my privilege.


Sure. It matters which group is which.

I disagree. The dude in the story tab posted did not deserve to be murdered for kicking out his psycho roommate. There is no room for “well I’m not happy about the outcome but what do you expect?”. It’s complete nonsense when applied to that situation and a perfect example of why you shouldn’t do that.

You picked a narrative you wanted to be true and falsely applied it to a real person who was brutally murdered. Even the people who wrote the story basically admitted they were wedging it into a narrative where it doesn’t really fit:

In the Hartford killing, Thompson and King were roommates, too, making their living situation unique to other renters around the country who are bracing for mass evictions.

You painted him with one broad brush w/o even caring about the details - using the exact same language the right uses with Muslims and the Nazis used on Kristallnacht. We shouldn’t be stooping to their level. Everyone who rents out their place is not evil. Slumlords are evil. Why don’t we save our hatred for them and not look stupid wasting it on cases where it doesn’t apply?


I would say the real issue is you’re bringing in your old, kindly landlord as if it matters. It’s the same as bringing in the cop who helps the autistic child with his homework or the Nazi guard whose friends swear he is a really nice guy–and in many contexts he is!

It sucks that a lot of people are landlords without considering the bigger picture merely because they are never exposed to ideas about property and human relationships that would allow them to raise questions about their function. Plenty of landlords are nice people when rent is paid on time, some of them are always nice. But they’re landlords.

I get that you don’t think a landlord is a Nazi guard. But the ownership and letting of property brings death and misery.

I didn’t read the story. I was more responding to the idea of killing a landlord, which is uncomfortable but probably justified if they are evicting you or withholding water, etc.

Yeah that’s the crux of the problem. I fundamentally disagree. I think it can bring death and misery but it doesn’t have to. Denmark is somehow the happiest country on earth and they have property ownership (and that big squatter commune thing which is also really cool).

I guess I just can’t let these constant simplistic marxist solutions to every problem (just end landlords/police/capitalism - we’ll work out the details later) or w/e they are barbs go when it seems like they’re in every thread on this site. Which ultimately is my problem.

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I suppose a robust social safety net alongside property ownership mitigates the worst consequences and makes it less deadly than in a hypercapitalist society.

Ending landlords is not a “simplistic” solution, it’s an actual solution. It’s just politically implausible.

Yes, if my landlord/roommate threatens to make me homeless, I might kill him. Especially if I’m already feeling way down on my luck in the middle of a pandemic. Any bad history between us is just more fuel for the fire.

You are oozing rage just because you think some people are indirectly judging you so don’t try to tell me you are any better.

You’re too ridiculous to engage with anymore. I’m done.

Good luck with that if you ever have a psycho roommate. It’s pretty much the worst thing ever.

Lol indirectly judging - you told me I was the height of privilege.

While comparing you to my wife… so can’t hate you. Its just this constant discussing situations where you can imagine yourself as the murdered landlord but never, ever the potentially homeless person and what emotions they must be feeling.

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Murder is not justified because of eviction. Period.

Regardless of your views on whether property should be allowed to be owned and whether landlords should exist, and regardless of whether it’s a good or bad landlord in question, murder is not a justified solution. We live in a society in which property can be owned. If you don’t like that, try to get the rules changed. You can’t just go killing people for playing by the rules. And this was not some revolution, this was cold blooded murder, straight up. No two ways about it.