The TSLA Market / Economy

I had RSUs scheduled to vest on last saturday, day comes and goes, no stonks, Monday comes and goes, I email shitty Fidelity today to see what’s going on, no response. :roll_eyes:

I’ve always had good luck calling them, but I haven’t had the need to for a few years.

I can’t think of a “social” interaction I hate more than talking on the phone to a read-script-off-screen call center employee

The people I’ve talked to were really good. I’ve rolled several 401ks into IRAs and vice versa. They were very helpful and knowledgeable.


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Please place your complaint in the drop box, sir.

We’re acquiring foreign companies!


The Company acquired Green Bros for consideration consisting of shares of the Company’s Series B Preferred Stock valued at $50,000.

This is awesome. Such value!


To the moon!


Lo and behold, the stock is trading sideways and my options are withering away to nothing. Sigh.

Got some hot stonks tips today



I seriously hate every person who pushes a cost reduction forward plan for being rich. The way to get rich is to make a lot of money full stop. If a few hundred K either way was going to make a difference you were never going to be rich.

This does not apply to people with full blown spending addictions like Nicholas Cage etc, but it absolutely does apply to any person with spending habits within 1 SD of normal.

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I mostly agree, but not completely.

Obviously the stuff like making your own coffee instead of going to Starbucks isn’t going to get you anywhere, but big ticket things like “don’t get married and divorced a bunch of times” or “don’t buy too much house” probably make a difference.

The thing is, if you don’t have spending discipline, then society will convince you that you “need” to spend on things way faster than you can earn money to be able to spend on things. You can make half a million a year and still feel poor if you allow yourself to believe that you need to spend on the right kind of house, the right kind of car, the right kind of clothes, etc. You obviously won’t get rich by skipping your morning latte, but the discipline of skipping your morning latte could help you avoid feeling poor after you get rich.

“A luxury once tasted becomes a necessity.”

I’ve blown more money than anyone I know. My credit cards were maxed out from college into my 40s. I don’t think my net worth went positive until I was 43 or so.

But I’m lucky - I’m in a field that pays pretty well and now at 51 I have enough nest egg to semi-retire.

Fuck saving money kids - just be a computer programmer. And buy a condo on the West Coast - that helps too.

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Or wife, unless she makes as much or more than you, then you’re probably fine.

One house, one spouse.

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