The TSLA Market / Economy

I’m not a tattoo expert, but to me that looks really well done. Great art and color. Not something I’d put on my own arm, but I definitely admire the commitment.

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In poker, diamond hands in just another term for calling station.

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A system that spits out losers is just as good as one that spits out winners.


No brakes on the recovery stonks train. I am getting FOMO that only 25% of my portfolio is in this event that I’ve felt pretty sure was going to happen since last fall, and the rest in index funds and a couple blue chips. But I must not be greedy.


Is he holding simply due to the SEC case? Not at least selling a chunk of your shares at $200+ is massively retarded lol.

AAPL down 8% since I bought
GM nearly 10.

I suck.

No money in stonks, everyone’s solid. I’m cashing out my Robinhood since I’ve now moved on to NBA cards on the BLOCKCHAIN


Considering pumping some money in a vanguard value fund, the value/growth gap has gotten truly ridiculous.

I’m 51, planning to semi-retire and become a nomad as soon as covid is over.


You’re out of control!


CCIV down 23% in 15 minutes upon the “news” that Lucid is going public via the merger. I guess I shouldn’t be fucking around with SPACs. (I’m still in the green with this play, but I clearly don’t know what’s going on and all the up/down spikes catch me by surprise.)

Buy the rumor, sell the news

This company has never even produced much less sold an actual car.


Stock in­vestors in Churchill have even higher hopes. Its stock, trad­ing around $40 in af­ter hours trad­ing Mon­day, im­plied a val­u­a­tion for Lu­cid of more than $65 bil­lion. That com­pares with the roughly $75 bil­lion mar­ket cap­i­tal­iza-tion of Gen­eral Mo­tors Co., which posted a pre­tax profit of $9.7 bil­lion last year while sell­ing ap­prox­i­mately 6.8 mil­lion ve­hi­cles world-wide.



So Lucid is basically Nikola 2.0?

No. It’s Tesla with even less cars. And I’m so glad my SPACs will suffer because people with 0 clue bought CCIV off advice on Tik Tok. We just aren’t allowed to have nice things.

Just for you. Telsa looks cheap by comparison - that’s how bad it is. And the swarm of Twitter Furus saying this is cheap because there’s a slide that shows the multiples based on a $10 price… not $40+.

People being able to P&D on morons who know nothing by simply putting “not investment advice” in their profile needs to be addressed ASAP.

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Since Jan 1st. I’ve been shoveling money into vanguard mid cap value fund partially for this reason. I know I’d have done better with the suzzer portfolio, but I’m trying to be good.

Ah, silly me thinking that such basic stuff like that would have already been priced into the Efficient Market, and that I didn’t need to do such arithmetic myself before buying a stonk. Alrighty then, guess I’ll be selling asap.

Damn market getting killed in pm

I’m getting thrashed. Delightful.