The TSLA Market / Economy

It does not use the phrase ‘white genocide’, granted.

We can make money off white genocide???


yeah there is def a lot of “failed state,” “people like elon are fleeing” type language, but I figured it would be some “white farmers are having their land stolen by evil blacks” since that is a topic reddit loves.

I know where you’re coming from but this perspective is becoming less and less true over time as interest rates go down. If you are limiting your choices to bonds and stocks, bonds with long term yields less than inflation are even worse than volatile stocks in retirement.

What if I don’t need to keep earning money once I retire? Say I have 10 million at age 60 and I decide to retire, I could live off that easily without it earning another cent and any gains i would make on it while in retirement don’t really mean anything to me. In that situation how is it not better to just have the majority of it parked in something that doesn’t have the ability to crater and turn my 10 million into 5 million?

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Anyone know why CCIV went up about 19% lately? What was the news?

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Indeed, but that’s a privilege that few people have in reality. Most people have to navigate the challenge of making the most out of their limited resources.

You need stocks for inflation protection, you need bonds for volatility protection and to be able to rebalance.

If you have $10 million and a 50/50 portfolio, you only go to $7.5 million in a crash, and you can sell bonds to buy stocks at a discount. If you have all bonds, right now you’re only generating like $150k in (taxable) income without taking on major default risk, which is less than the dividends from a stock market index fund, and you have zero upside.

I ventured over to WSB for the first time a few hours ago and that was the first thread I found. Plenty of indisputable racism getting upvoted. Can’t say I’m surprised.

Here’s a pretty good response within that South Africa thread:


2 hours ago

I'll Drink to That

Hijacking the top comment for visibility.

Fuck me. The inaccuracy of the information in this thread, from OP and other South Africans, is fucking astounding.

Yes, the country has major issues. Yes, the government has major issues. Corruption is rampant. Inefficiencies are rampant. Violence and crime are both rampant. I wouldn’t debate any of that.

97% of the crime that happens in this country, happens in the poorer communities. Because of the enormous divide between classes, these crimes do little to affect the market-related economy here. As long as the corporations have young, black able-bodied men to throw down a mine, the economy chugs along.

The claim that asylum applications are more likely to be accepted is utter horseshit.

Quantitative easing was implemented in SA for the first time last year, as a result of the pandemic.

There are no “roving bands of pirates”.
There are gangs in the poorer communities that are built around drug distribution networks, etc.

OP’s claims about the water are absolute rubbish. There are issues with water supply in the informal settlements, as the poor try to build small shanties wherever is feasible. And they are regularly broken down by a government team called the Red Ants, if they build somewhere undesirable.

The claim of ethnic cleansing in the OP is utter horseshit.

The South African Rand is one of the most widely traded currencies on the planet. As a businessman and importer of numerous products from around the world, I have watched the Rand closely for 16 years. Its devaluation hasn’t been solely linked to poor government performance. In actual fact, a lot of the currency’s losses are directly to it having been manipulated over the years by larger international traders and banks, looking to make a profit.

Zimbabwe’s circumstances were different. Under Robert Mugabe, the system was wholly disassembled for his personal gain. We almost found ourselves in the same situation, until our previous president Jacob Zuma was replaced with Cyril Ramaphosa, who is a billionaire, and was previously a trade unionist. Cyril also owned the rights to MacDonalds for SA.

TLDR; OP is a ■■■■■ Probably a right-wing ■■■■■ possibly an Afrikaner or conservative Englishman, who has provided ZERO references or citations to back up their claims.

Source: I have lived here my whole life. I have interacted with government ministers and departments. I have had successes and failures in business and in life. I have had a gun held to my head, by 3 men in their early 20s who were looking for shit to sell so that they could get another hit of meth (colloquially known as Tik here). And I have learnt to spot a ■■■■ at 50 paces.

Edit: lol is See You Next Tuesday censored here now?!?



So let’s say you have 10 million and you want to live off of 200K/yr? What AA would you suggest? How does that answer change if you want to live off of 400K/yr?

Oh man, you have like a month’s worth of pointless drama to catch up on.


My guess is @WichitaDM closed all of his CCIV positions.


Holy shit CCIV just went vertical and halted

Edit - Vertical again and halted again

Im all in on APHA which is having a nice day. I did close my CCIV

Congrats all CCIV holders.


I’m still holding stupid DIS with my Robinhood meme balance because I haven’t been able to find a new stonk I like, so bad at this!

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If CLVS wasn’t such a fucking turd I’d be killing it today

When should I dump the CCIV?