The TSLA Market / Economy

Second word of the title and it’s already misleading.

Paging Chamath to tell me about the brilliant “technical analysis” by people taking out loans at 11% to buy game stop stock.

Its actually kind of amazing that the first guy was doing it right pre-mene stonks - up to 50k in index funds.

Yeah, dude just got FOMO’d.

I’ve been working on the Old Man Coffee portfolio. Currently only holding OMC.

OMC - may occasionally surprise in short term, long term slow and steady performer, good dividends

JO - Coffee index

PAPR - ETF with a defined cap on returns, limits amount of loss

QQQ - consistent performer

AX - can’t resist this one, although can sometimes disappoint

AA - too volatile, has a negative EPS, so not included in the portfolio currently.


Complicated question once you account for the majority of people here not having an easy way to stay long term in most places.

Because of this 1. Mexico is probably accurate given the ease of staying long term and having a nice variety of cities/towns to appeal to a wide range of people.

Not only whiteness. Race is a entirely cultural construct.

Places like Costa Rica and Panama also seem to be hot spots for expats.

I think this is largely cost related.

That’s the main problem with NBZ’s question. When thinking about getting the fuck out of USA#1 many people here have cost of living among the highest of considerations. The best places for that are what he calls the non-white countries. That consideration is going to often override any preference for whiteness that he seeks to identify.

The follow-up question is how the list of the best countries to move to for a potential expat changes if you’re not white. Are there countries where a white American can move to that would be difficult for a black American (or an Asian American or a Hispanic American or Native American)? Are there any that would be easier? Does money override all concerns?

Chart I just consulted when feeling dumb for front loading 401k contributions.


History is always right until it isn’t.

If 1929 hits right before you’re about to retire you are FUUUUUUUCKED.

Yeah that’s a lot of years between the first bold “This is the top” and “Yay! Back at the top!”.

That’s why you have to diversify in Dogecoin and Earth 2 real estate.


Bogleheads: “can’t retire with $4 million and $100k expenses, look at 1929!!!”

Most of your money probably shouldn’t be in stonks if you’re about to retire though


Yeah, this fear is gonna keep me working full time for longer than I probably should.

the flat line in there is 20 years we ain’t living forever