The TSLA Market / Economy

Are you using the one drop rule?

Well, I guess we need to ask NBZ since he is the one who posed the question.

I don’t know what the one drop rule is tbh. I edited my post above. Is Cristiano Ronaldo white?

Probably not a fair comparison to use the worst parts of the US.

OKC is far from the worst part of the US. It isn’t NYC or SF but it is better than 90+% of the country to live in.

Literally the vast vast majority of the country is an enormous shithole with a wal-mart, a dollar general, fast food and not much else. I mean drive through the US, outside of a few bright spots 90% of it is depressing as hell and essentially a third world country.

I guess Google tells me that Spain and Portugal (and Antonio Banderas and Cristiano Ronaldo) are indeed caucasian. Mind blown.

Although apparantly Antonio isn’t real sure either so I feel slightly less embarrassed

For the most part, I mean outside of the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. I’m unsure about parts of South America. I could be talking about Argentina, which seems to have a higher level of “whiteness” due to immigration from Europe and a lower percentage who identify as mestizo.

So Central America, non-Russian Asia, northern South America and Africa?

I mean most of those parts of the world have been horribly exploited or bombed into oblivion by the white parts of the world for centuries so of course on average they won’t be as desirable to live as the places that got wealthy exploiting them.

Most of those places aren’t scary to visit. They are just poor. There is a big difference.

Would you question whether Greeks are white based on their not being pale?

The Proud Boys are not a white racist organization in the sense that they are not built around an explicitly white racial identity, but they are explicitly in favor of traditional Western culture, which is basically whiteness. Portugal and Spain fit into that culture, so I would consider them as “white” in some sense.

So, really, I’m just talking about how many white people want to live in a place where Western culture, which is to say white culture, is not the dominant culture.

Why would Spanish or Portuguese people be considered less white than Italians or Greeks?

I guess I just hadn’t really thought about it as to the whiteness issue. It’s obvious I was pretty much wrong on that.

As far as culture goes most probably wouldn’t want to do it out of ignorance. How many people do you know who go travel somewhere for 10-14 days and don’t just spend the entire time hitting the beach or doing the tourist traps? I would stipulate that American culture largely sucks. The abundance of chain everything and the sameness of many American cities is striking. I would absolutely go live in Asia or someplace like Mediellen over that.

I guess visually when I see a Antonio Banderas or Cristiano Ronaldo that does not visually compute as white to me. Like I said last post I hadn’t really spent any time thinking about it critically. Even Banderas says he identifies as “hispanic” in the states.

I’m fully taking the L on this one though.

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South America is a very different situation. The white rich spaniards (at least in the now Spanish speaking areas, can’t say I have any familiarity with the history of Brazil) were always a class above, but unlike in North America, there was much more interracial marriage between africans, natives, and colonizers. The reality was that the higher class were still white.

At least, this is what I got from the Revolutions podcast when they covered Simon Bolivar.

So what travel stocks should I be buying? Or am I in the wrong thread for that?


My Dad is hyper-liberal - still he was absolutely TERRIFIED every second I was in Central America. I told him flat out the neighborhood he lives in in Kansas City is more dangerous than pretty much anywhere I went in Central America. But it’s impossible for him to rationally get that.

He understands the risks of living in a sketchy neighborhood. But the unknown risks of El Salvador are terrifying.

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Also getting back on topic are there any good stocks correlated to the funeral industry. If the COVID stimulus is going to provide a yuuge funeral benefit for those who succumbed to COVID, something has got to STONK. Of course all of the these stonks were probably stonking because of excess death from COVID. I imagine I’m not the first with this thought, and one of you has checked it out already.

RCL CCL and DAL to Mars baby!

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Jwax would seem like as close to an expert bc of his partner as we have.

If the market isn’t open I shouldn’t have to work

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SCI. Looks like it’s trading at the same price it was a year ago.