The TSLA Market / Economy

I remember when right wing tards meme’d pot stonks before (it’s the giant bump in all their history graphs from a few years ago), that sure didn’t go well, guess they’re relying on federal legalization here

Joined a stock discord what could go wrong

I mean why wouldn’t TLRY be worth 5x what it was a month ago?

This held up well, bubble popping? down 25% at open

I killed it guys. Sorry.

SNDL megadrill and halted

back in TLRY 55c @ 4.95, surely no way this goes south

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NAKD jumped 30% at the open. Time to cut my losses?

Yeah I dumped it. Didn’t get to realize my 420.69%.


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Totally unrelated, but these three letters kinda look like a snowman laying down and jerking himself off.




I feel like a GME loser who (almost) bought at the top and is now rationalizing why I shouldn’t sell when down 20% already lol. I CAN GET MY COST BASIS DOWN!


TLRY -40% and crashing everything

you love to see it

I gotta say APHA is a really cool stonk. When TLRY goes up 100% APHA goes up 10%. When TLRY drills to the center of the earth APHA drills with it.

Bought GM a few days before their earnings. They post the best earnings they’ve had in forever. Down 7.7% since I bought.

Ban the stock market.


TheStockGuy on Twitch has over 15k active viewers right now lol. Reports of meme stonks dying have been greatly exaggerated.

They are talking about BMBL. Should we buy? This sorta feels like the ICO craze in crypto and these IPOs are just gonna pump massively on launch

What is BMBL? No ticker for it on ameritrade.