The TSLA Market / Economy

SNDL +80%
TLRY +50%
I buy APHA in AM premarket which then spent the entire day drilling.

I really am the fucking worst at this. How is this possible.

Index funds

ETA: wait don’t, now I’m afraid you’ll tank the whole market!


And if you are going to arb, I guess just hope it doesn’t go something like, wsb squeezes you out of your short TLRY position and then TLRY crashes back to earth before the merger.

I do have my retirement money in index funds.


Sir. This is the gambling thread.


Hahaha that is exactly what would happen.

FWIW in my meme stock account I exited my CLVS weeklies today, somehow only taking a ~40% haircut. Guaranteed to surge tomorrow. (I still have one single solitary contract for March with a $15 strike.)
Only remaining meme positions are some NOK calls I’m holding until zero and some long-dated ELY (Callaway) calls that have done decently well leading into earnings (today) but will surely tank after. Didn’t get the WSB surge I was hoping for, but they’re far enough away that I’ve got outs.

Edit: yea ELY posted record sales but worse EPS than expected, definitely going south overnight

Let’s buy options on index funds.

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Weed stonks going crazy after hours. SNDL up over 100%. TLRY almost up 70%.

Earlier today I went to sell covered calls on a Euro index ETF in my retirement account at Fidelity (where I have Level 1 clearance to sell covered calls) and the system said “Nope, not on index funds without higher approval.”

Does anyone know why selling covered calls for index funds is different than selling them for individual stocks?

So do we know why this is happening?

It’s the new wsb craze. Outside of that I have no idea.

I bought some OGI yesterday too.

Today, Tilray announced a new distribution agreement with U.K. medical cannabis distributor Grow Pharma. Under the agreement, Tilray’s pharmaceutical-grade medical cannabis products will be imported and distributed by Grow Pharma in the U.K. “Regulations are progressing as more and more countries across Europe are recognizing the benefits of medical cannabis,” Tilray Europe’s managing director, Sascha Mielcarek, said in a statement.

Also this month, Tilray has announced it has exported its first medical cannabis shipment to Spain, and it has received the first and only market authorization for medical cannabis products in Portugal.

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Tilray actually seems like a fairly promising pot stonk. The merger with APHA also gives them slightly less than 20% of the Canadian weed market.

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Does anyone understand why the cruise line stocks are not penny stocks at this point? THey haven’t had any real income to speak of for a year, they probably won’t for at least another 6-10 months, and they have gigantic liabilities and operating costs. Meanwhile, NCLH for example is trading at $24 a share (off of a low of $7 share back in March). There’s not even a chance these corporations get bailed out because their ships aren’t flagged in the US, and they’re starting to scrap ships. I don’t get it at all. If I had any balls I’d be shorting the hell out of them.

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This is a legitimate question I would like the answer to myself.

I got so close to +420.69%. Dammit.


My guess is they expect solid bookings the second these companies are able to start sailing again, and I dont think they will be wrong. They have an audience that sticks by them no matter what

Because cruise people are like a cult. They’re literally willing to die to get back on the ships. The second they can cruise again they’ll be packing all the ships.

Then I sell my RCL and CCL amidst the euphoria, before the next legionaires outbreak.


Buy puts!

It looks like WSB is mentioning them so even though I bought Tilray based on that news I linked and do think they have potential, I’m selling at a certain price with intent to buy later when it drops. Disclaimer: I have no idea what I’m doing.