It’s a pretty common group exercise format that people will pay for, with instructors. There are a lot of varieties of it now that incorporate other exercises but spin is the basic form.
$40/mo seems reasonable for a live, in-person spin class but surely they could cut the cost if it’s just one guy streaming to thousands of people. Compare it to how much content Netflix cranks out.
I presume you’re old enough to remember Jazzercise? Group exercise classes aren’t a new thing.
It like what the called back in our day “an aerobics class” but on a bike, I think.
Less chance of dieing on a Peleton and for people who don’t live in Hawaii or Socal riding a bike outside 12 months a year can potentially suck big-time
It’s b/c the $40 seems so unnecessary and I don’t see it as a replacement for a gym membership. You already shelled out enough money for a sick bike in your own home, just watch a game, YouTube, there are infinite things to do while you ride it. If you want a directed workout, there are probably hundreds of good free ones on YouTube as well.
I truly don’t get why stonks tank when the Fed says they’re serious about fixing inflation. That’s good for businesses long term! I get discount rate blah blah blah but we all know once inflation goes away rates will come down again, and fast.
Also not a great deal compared to $0/mo to use your peloton
right and also its probably $40/mo to ride your bike on the road anyways when factoring in bike maintenance and all the cool clothes you gotta buy.
its just funny to me to hear people saying a workout class subscription to ride your bicycle in your house is a great deal compared to a $200 gym, when I would never pay someone to ride a bike.
probably because its fucking boring, maybe if i paid a beautiful woman $40/mo to shout encouragement at me it might be fun enough to do.
I think they may be worried about systemic inflation that hasn’t actually occurred yet. With low unemployment and high corporate profits they are worried about the economy heating up too much once all the one time inflation goes away. This is actually a good thing.
I’m sure glad my uncorrelated crypto assets are holding strong when the equity markets tank LMFAO.
Shitcoin gonna shitcoin.
From a pure financial mathematics perspective it does kind of make sense that if interest rates are going to be higher for a long time then even if your expected net income in the future is going to be ok, the stock price today interpreted as the present value of future net income should be lower. Higher interest rates are bad for the market price of things that are the present value of future cash flows. It’s why bonds plummet in market value when interest rates rise.
A lot of the daily swings in the stock market are not from such rigorous analysis but there is probably quite a bit of formulaic trading that says your sale price for stocks goes down when interest rates go up. That and a whole lot of this:
I was listening to a podcast where they explained that higher interest rates are really good for younger people because it dramatically reduces the NPV of your future expenses which seems kind of abstract.
I went years hearing about spin classes thinking it was some fancy new pilates-type workout before finding out it’s just people riding stationary bikes together.
Who the hell told you they were uncorrelated?
Like wasn’t that a key talking point for years? I mean why should it be correlated to smelly fiat currency?
It also dramatically reduces the present value of their future employment income, which is their greatest asset (if you are into abstract financial constructs).
That’s true. To be fair to the podcast, he was simply pointing out that the NPV of your future expenses almost certainly went down more than the value of your investments due to their respective durations.